Gestión de la red vial morales – san roque y su efecto en la calidad de vida del poblador beneficiado, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo general fue determinar el efecto de la gestión de la red vial Morales -
San Roque en la calidad de vida del poblador beneficiado, durante el año 2021.
El tipo de estudio fue no experimental, que responde a un diseño correlacional, de
corte transversal causal, y mediante un muestreo probabilístico se obtuvo como
muestra de estudio a 132 jefes de familia que forman parte de los pobladores
beneficiados de la red vial Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza. La técnica utilizada
fue la encuesta, a través del cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de
datos, que detalló los factores que inciden en las variables de estudio. Los
resultados obtenidos del estudio indicaron que la gestión de la red vial Morales -
San Roque de Cumbaza fue de nivel regular por un 50% (66 pobladores). En cuanto
a las dimensiones: Planificación (47,73%), Organización (59,85%), Gobernanza
(53,79%) y Desarrollo Urbano (54%) presentaron una gestión de tendencia regular
como escala de medición de mayor porcentaje. Asimismo, se determinó un nivel
óptimo en la calidad de vida de los pobladores beneficiados representado por un
43,94% (58 pobladores). En cuanto a las dimensiones: Saneamiento (50,00%),
Espacio público (43,18%) y Vivienda (51,52%) presentaron una tendencia óptima,
a diferencia de la dimensión esparcimiento (58,33%) que presento una regular
mejora en la calidad de vida del poblador. La dimensión gobernanza con un índice
de 0,921 demostró tener una correlación muy alta entre las variables de estudio. En
tal sentido, se concluyó que la gestión de la red vial Morales - San Roque de
Cumbaza genera un efecto significativo en la calidad de vida del poblador
beneficiado, durante el año 2021; hallándose una sig. (0,000<0,05) y un coeficiente
de Tau_b de Kendal que confirma un índice de correlación alta (0,786).
The general objective was to determine the effect of the management of the Morales-San Roque Road network on the quality of life of the beneficiary population during the year 2021. The type of study was non-experimental, which responds to a correlational design, causal cross-sectional, and through a probabilistic sampling was obtained as a sample of study 132 heads of households that are part of the residents benefited from the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza. The technique used was the survey, through the questionnaire as an instrument of data collection, which detailed the factors that affect the variables of study. The results obtained from the study indicated that the management of the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza was of regular level by 50% (66 inhabitants). Regarding the dimensions: Planning (47.73%), Organization (59.85%), Governance (53.79%) and Urban Development (54%) presented a regular trend management as the measurement scale with the highest percentage. Likewise, an optimal level was determined in the quality of life of the benefited inhabitants represented by 43.94% (58 inhabitants). As for the dimensions: Sanitation (50.00%), Public space (43.18%) and Housing (51.52%) presented an optimal trend, unlike the recreation dimension (58.33%) that presented a regular improvement in the quality of life of the settler. The governance dimension with an index of 0.921 showed a very high correlation between the study variables. In this sense, it was concluded that the management of the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza generates a significant effect in the quality of life of the benefited population, during the year 2021; finding a sig. (0.000< 0.05) and a Kendal's Tau_b coefficient that confirms a high correlation index (0.786).
The general objective was to determine the effect of the management of the Morales-San Roque Road network on the quality of life of the beneficiary population during the year 2021. The type of study was non-experimental, which responds to a correlational design, causal cross-sectional, and through a probabilistic sampling was obtained as a sample of study 132 heads of households that are part of the residents benefited from the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza. The technique used was the survey, through the questionnaire as an instrument of data collection, which detailed the factors that affect the variables of study. The results obtained from the study indicated that the management of the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza was of regular level by 50% (66 inhabitants). Regarding the dimensions: Planning (47.73%), Organization (59.85%), Governance (53.79%) and Urban Development (54%) presented a regular trend management as the measurement scale with the highest percentage. Likewise, an optimal level was determined in the quality of life of the benefited inhabitants represented by 43.94% (58 inhabitants). As for the dimensions: Sanitation (50.00%), Public space (43.18%) and Housing (51.52%) presented an optimal trend, unlike the recreation dimension (58.33%) that presented a regular improvement in the quality of life of the settler. The governance dimension with an index of 0.921 showed a very high correlation between the study variables. In this sense, it was concluded that the management of the road network Morales - San Roque de Cumbaza generates a significant effect in the quality of life of the benefited population, during the year 2021; finding a sig. (0.000< 0.05) and a Kendal's Tau_b coefficient that confirms a high correlation index (0.786).
Gestión, Red vial, Desarrollo urbano, Calidad de vida, Managemen, Road network, Urban development, Quality of life.
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