Análisis del impacto socioambiental generado por el desarrollo de la actividad turística en el centro poblado de padrecocha distrito de punchana año 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como propósito describir el impacto socioambiental generado por el desarrollo de la actividad turística en el centro poblado de Padrecocha. Para la recolección de datos se empleó la encuesta, mediante el cuestionario, el cual fue validado y aprobado por juicio de expertos, con una muestra de 67 pobladores. El resultado muestra que el impacto socioambiental no es un factor de riesgo, puesto que los pobladores sienten un fuerte lazo con su cultura y tradiciones; pero, aun así, los problemas ambientales en la población siguen presentes. Fue presentado un programa ambiental con el objetivo de mitigar el impacto ambiental en el centro poblado. Después de discusión y opiniones con los pobladores, se concluyó que la falta de un relleno sanitario fijo en la población o fuera de esta, complica más el manejo de los desechos; además, los pobladores fueron conscientes de que en su mayoría carecen de una buena educación ambiental y falta de sensibilización con respecto al tema, lo cual puede provocar una mala imagen como punto turístico, el mejoramiento de este va a depender de las decisiones por parte de las autoridades y de las políticas educativas desarrolladas en el centro poblado de Padrecocha, para desarrollarse no solo como población, también como atractivo turístico.
The purpose of the research was to describe the socio-environmental impact generated by the development of tourist activity in the town of Padrecocha. For data collection, the survey was used, through the questionnaire, which was validated and approved by expert judgment, with a sample of 67 residents. The result shows that the socio-environmental impact is not a risk factor, since the inhabitants feel a strong bond with their culture and traditions; but, even so, the environmental problems in the population are still present. An environmental program was presented with the objective of mitigating the environmental impact in the populated center. After discussion and opinions with the residents, it was concluded that the lack of a fixed sanitary landfill in the population or outside of it, further complicates waste management; In addition, the residents were aware that most of them lack good environmental education and lack of awareness regarding the issue, which can cause a bad image as a tourist spot, the improvement of this will depend on the decisions of the authorities and the educational policies developed in the town of Padrecocha, to develop not only as a population, but also as a tourist attraction. Keywords: Socio-environmental impact, environmental education, tourist attraction, awareness.
The purpose of the research was to describe the socio-environmental impact generated by the development of tourist activity in the town of Padrecocha. For data collection, the survey was used, through the questionnaire, which was validated and approved by expert judgment, with a sample of 67 residents. The result shows that the socio-environmental impact is not a risk factor, since the inhabitants feel a strong bond with their culture and traditions; but, even so, the environmental problems in the population are still present. An environmental program was presented with the objective of mitigating the environmental impact in the populated center. After discussion and opinions with the residents, it was concluded that the lack of a fixed sanitary landfill in the population or outside of it, further complicates waste management; In addition, the residents were aware that most of them lack good environmental education and lack of awareness regarding the issue, which can cause a bad image as a tourist spot, the improvement of this will depend on the decisions of the authorities and the educational policies developed in the town of Padrecocha, to develop not only as a population, but also as a tourist attraction. Keywords: Socio-environmental impact, environmental education, tourist attraction, awareness.
Impacto socioambiental, Educación ambiental, Atractivo turístico, S ensibilización, Socio-environmental impact, Environmental education, Tourist attraction, Awareness
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