Conocimiento y prácticas de medidas de bioseguridad en el personal de la empresa Brunner, Iquitos 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: Las medidas de bioseguridad están destinadas a proteger la salud del personal frente a riesgos biológicos, químicos o físicos a los que esté expuesto durante el desempeño de sus funciones para ello el trabajador debe cumplir con las normas de bioseguridad, realizando el uso adecuado de equipos y elementos para su protección.
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el Conocimiento y las prácticas de medidas de Bioseguridad en el personal de la empresa Brunner del Distrito de Iquitos, 2021
Metodología: El estudio fue cuantitativo, de diseño descriptivo, transversal y correlacional; la muestra fue de 50 trabajadores. Se aplicó 2 instrumentos: La primera: una encuesta sobre conocimiento en Bioseguridad y la segunda: una lista de cotejo sobre prácticas de medidas de Bioseguridad.
Resultados: Las características socio demográficas del personal encuestado tuvo como promedio de edad de 40.36 años, el grado de instrucción fue secundaria completa con 66.0%, de estado civil soltero 54.0% y el tiempo de trabajo de 2 años, con 40.0%; en cuanto al conocimiento el 56.0% presentaron conocimiento alto, 24.0% conocimiento medio y 20.0% de ellos, presentaron conocimiento bajo sobre Bioseguridad. Con respecto a las prácticas del personal que labora en la empresa Brunner, el 86.0% presentó prácticas adecuadas y el 14.0% prácticas inadecuadas durante el recojo de Residuos sólidos; Por lo tanto, existe relación entre conocimiento y prácticas de medidas de bioseguridad con un valor de P=0.702, encontrándose una relación lineal estadísticamente significativa alta y nivel de significancia del 0.00 (menor a 0.05).
Conclusión: Existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el Conocimiento y las prácticas de medidas de Bioseguridad en el personal de la empresa Brunner del Distrito de Iquitos.
Introduction: Biosafety measures are intended to protect the health of personnel against biological, chemical or physical risks to which they are exposed during the performance of their duties, for this the worker must comply with biosafety standards, making the appropriate use of equipment and elements for their protection. Objective: To determine the relationship between the Knowledge and the practices of Biosafety measures in the personnel of the Brunner company of the District of Iquitos, two thousand twenty-one. Methodology: The study was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational; the sample was of 50 workers. Two instruments were applied: The first: a survey on Biosafety knowledge and the second: a checklist on Biosafety measures practices. Results: The socio-demographic characteristics of the surveyed personnel had an average age of 40.36 years, the degree of education was complete secondary with 66.0%, of unmarried marital status 54.0% and the working time of 2 years, with 40.0%; Regarding knowledge, 56.0% presented high knowledge, 24.0% medium knowledge and 20.0% of them presented low knowledge about Biosafety. Regarding the practices of the personnel working in the Brunner company, 86.0% presented adequate practices and 14.0% inadequate practices during the collection of solid waste; Therefore, there is a relationship between knowledge and practices of biosafety measures with a value of P = 0.702, finding a high statistically significant linear relationship and a significance level of 0.00 (less than 0.05). Conclusions: There is a statistically significant relationship between the Knowledge and the practices of Biosafety measures in the personnel of the Brunner company of the District of Iquitos.
Introduction: Biosafety measures are intended to protect the health of personnel against biological, chemical or physical risks to which they are exposed during the performance of their duties, for this the worker must comply with biosafety standards, making the appropriate use of equipment and elements for their protection. Objective: To determine the relationship between the Knowledge and the practices of Biosafety measures in the personnel of the Brunner company of the District of Iquitos, two thousand twenty-one. Methodology: The study was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational; the sample was of 50 workers. Two instruments were applied: The first: a survey on Biosafety knowledge and the second: a checklist on Biosafety measures practices. Results: The socio-demographic characteristics of the surveyed personnel had an average age of 40.36 years, the degree of education was complete secondary with 66.0%, of unmarried marital status 54.0% and the working time of 2 years, with 40.0%; Regarding knowledge, 56.0% presented high knowledge, 24.0% medium knowledge and 20.0% of them presented low knowledge about Biosafety. Regarding the practices of the personnel working in the Brunner company, 86.0% presented adequate practices and 14.0% inadequate practices during the collection of solid waste; Therefore, there is a relationship between knowledge and practices of biosafety measures with a value of P = 0.702, finding a high statistically significant linear relationship and a significance level of 0.00 (less than 0.05). Conclusions: There is a statistically significant relationship between the Knowledge and the practices of Biosafety measures in the personnel of the Brunner company of the District of Iquitos.
Medidas de Bioseguridad, conocimiento y prácticas, Biosafety measures, knowledge and practices
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