Inversión pública en territorio de explotación petrolera, región Loreto, periodo 2013-2016
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación se ha planteado como objetivo determinar la magnitud de la inversión de recursos financieros públicos en el desarrollo socioeconómico de los gobiernos locales dentro del área de influencia de la explotación petrolera. La metodología comprendió la revisión de información presupuestal en un periodo de tiempo, y a partir de ella se hicieron los análisis de disonancia, o equidad.
La caída de la recaudación de canon petrolero está siendo cubierta por el gobierno central cubre con mayores recursos del tesoro público. Hay diversidad de comportamiento, el distrito del Napo recibió el 17% frente a otro distrito que recibe el 7.92%. Hay municipios que crecieron del año 2013 al año 2016 y otros han reducido su participación. Similar hecho ocurre en en la fuente de canon petrolero, Napo recibió el 23.18% mientras que la municipalidad de Andoas recibió el 4.15%. El estado de un país busca que su territorio tenga un trato equitativo en cuanto a la asignación de los presupuestos públicos, pero este fin no se está cumpliendo por ejemplo las municipalidades distritales del ámbito de influencia de la explotación petrolera muestran discordancia significativa, lo que significa que hay municipios que reciben más que su tamaño poblacional y otras menos.
The objective of the research has been to determine the magnitude of the investment of public financial resources in the socioeconomic development of local governments within the area of influence of oil exploitation. The methodology included the review of budget information over a period of time, and from it the dissonance, or equity analyzes were made. The fall in the collection of the oil canon is being covered by the central government covered with greater resources from the public treasury. There is diversity of behavior, the Napo district received 17% compared to another district that received 7.92%. There are municipalities that grew from 2013 to 2016 and others have reduced their participation. A similar fact occurs in the source of the oil canon, Napo received 23.18% while the municipality of Andoas received 4.15%. The state of a country seeks that its territory has an equitable treatment in terms of the allocation of public budgets, but this end is not being fulfilled, for example, the district municipalities in the sphere of influence of oil exploitation show significant disagreement, which means that there are municipalities that receive more than their population size and others less.
The objective of the research has been to determine the magnitude of the investment of public financial resources in the socioeconomic development of local governments within the area of influence of oil exploitation. The methodology included the review of budget information over a period of time, and from it the dissonance, or equity analyzes were made. The fall in the collection of the oil canon is being covered by the central government covered with greater resources from the public treasury. There is diversity of behavior, the Napo district received 17% compared to another district that received 7.92%. There are municipalities that grew from 2013 to 2016 and others have reduced their participation. A similar fact occurs in the source of the oil canon, Napo received 23.18% while the municipality of Andoas received 4.15%. The state of a country seeks that its territory has an equitable treatment in terms of the allocation of public budgets, but this end is not being fulfilled, for example, the district municipalities in the sphere of influence of oil exploitation show significant disagreement, which means that there are municipalities that receive more than their population size and others less.
Presupuestó público, Área de influencia, Producción petrolera, Equidad, Public budget, Area of influence, Oil production, Equity
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