Factores de riesgo asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto enero – junio - 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La preeclampsia es un problema de salud pública y una de las principales causas de muerte materna en todo el mundo; La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que la incidencia de preeclampsia es siete veces mayor en los países en desarrollo que los países desarrollados.
Determinar los factores de riesgo relacionados a preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto, de enero a junio 2021.
El estudio fue de tipo no experimental, diseño Analítico casos y controles; cuya muestra de estudio fueron 183 casos y 183 controles.
Entre los Factores de Riesgo asociados a Preeclampsia predominaron la edad < 19 años que incrementa el (OR=2.3) veces el riesgo de preeclampsia, nuliparidad que incrementa el (OR=11.2) veces, gran multiparidad con (OR=5.7) veces, no tener periodo intergenésico debido a ser primigesta, incrementa el (OR=10.2) veces riesgo para preeclampsia y tener como antecedente preeclampsia con (OR=6.1) veces el riesgo de volver a presentar dicha patología; El tipo de Preeclampsia que prevaleció en la muestra de estudio fue del tipo severo con (73.2%), seguido del tipo leve con (26.8%)
Los Factores de Riesgo asociados a Preeclampsia fueron la edad < 19 años (OR=2.3), nuliparidad (OR=11.2), gran multiparidad (OR=5.7), ninguno (OR=10.2) y tener como antecedente preeclampsia (OR=6.1).
Preeclampsia is a public health problem and one of the main causes of maternal death worldwide; The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of preeclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than in developed countries. Objective To determine the risk factors related to preeclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, from January to June 2021. Methodology The study was of non-experimental type, Analytical design cases and controls; whose study sample was 183 cases and 183 controls. Results Among the Risk Factors associates to Preeclampsia, age <19 years predominated, which increases (OR=2.3) times the risk of preeclampsia, nulliparity that increases (OR=11.2) times, great multiparity with (OR=5.7) times, no having an intergenesic period due to nulliparity increases (OR=10.2) times the risk for preeclampsia and having a history of preeclampsia with (OR=6.1) times the risk of presenting said pathology again; The type of Preeclampsia that prevailed in the study sample was the severe type with (36.6%), followed by the mild type with (13.4%) Conclusion The Risk Factors associated with Preeclampsia were age < 19 years (OR=2.3), nulliparity (OR=11.2), great multiparity (OR=5.7), none (OR=10.2) and having a history of preeclampsia (OR =6.1).
Preeclampsia is a public health problem and one of the main causes of maternal death worldwide; The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of preeclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than in developed countries. Objective To determine the risk factors related to preeclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, from January to June 2021. Methodology The study was of non-experimental type, Analytical design cases and controls; whose study sample was 183 cases and 183 controls. Results Among the Risk Factors associates to Preeclampsia, age <19 years predominated, which increases (OR=2.3) times the risk of preeclampsia, nulliparity that increases (OR=11.2) times, great multiparity with (OR=5.7) times, no having an intergenesic period due to nulliparity increases (OR=10.2) times the risk for preeclampsia and having a history of preeclampsia with (OR=6.1) times the risk of presenting said pathology again; The type of Preeclampsia that prevailed in the study sample was the severe type with (36.6%), followed by the mild type with (13.4%) Conclusion The Risk Factors associated with Preeclampsia were age < 19 years (OR=2.3), nulliparity (OR=11.2), great multiparity (OR=5.7), none (OR=10.2) and having a history of preeclampsia (OR =6.1).
Preeclampsia, Factor de riesgo, Gestante, Preeclampsia, Risk factor, Pregnant woma
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