Factores asociados al parto pretermino en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto en el 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: El embarazo adolescente y los factores asociados a partos
preterminos son indicadores de las condiciones de salud materna y
socioeconómica, la falta de implementación de estrategias específicas sobre
la salud sexual y reproductiva de las adolescentes.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a parto prematuro en gestantes
adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto.
Metodología: El estudio fue de diseño descriptivo, transversal y
retrospectivo. La población estuvo conformada por 194 gestantes
adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto de Enero a Julio
del 2019.
Resultados: Se eencontró que las adolescentes de 14 a 16 años representan
un 77,2%, de la zona urbana el 50,8%, estado civil de convivencia con un
56,1% y el nivel primario con mayor proporción en un 50,8%, también
observamos que el 57% son gestantes con 1 a 5 Atenciones Prenatales y un
5,3% nunca iniciaron su APN y el 52.6% culminaron su parto por vía
abdominal. La morbilidad más frecuente fue DPP con 40,4% DCP con
29,8%, ITU con 33,3% y Anemia con 21,1%.
Conclusiones: No se encontró relación significativa entre la edad,
procedencia, estado civil, grado de instrucción. Se encontró relación
significativa entre el número de atenciones prenatales, vía de parto , DPP,
ITU, Anemia, Preeclampsia, HIE y RPM.
Adolescent pregnancy and the factors associated with preterm births are indicators of maternal and socioeconomic health conditions, the lack of implementation of specific strategies on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. Objective: To determine the factors associated with premature birth in pregnant adolescents treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto. Methodology: The study was descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective. The population consisted of 194 pregnant adolescents treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to July 2019. Results: It was found that adolescents from 14 to 16 years old represent 77.2%, from the urban area 50.8%, marital status of coexistence with 56.1% and the primary level with the highest proportion in 50, 8%, we also observe that 57% are pregnant with 1 to 5 Prenatal Attention and 5.3% never started their APN and 52.6% finished their delivery by abdominal route. The most frequent morbidity was PPD with 40.4% DCP with 29.8%, UTI with 33.3% and Anemia with 21.1%. Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between age, origin, marital status, degree of education. A significant relationship was found between the number of prenatal care, delivery route, PPD, UTI, Anemia, Preeclampsia, HIE and PROM.
Adolescent pregnancy and the factors associated with preterm births are indicators of maternal and socioeconomic health conditions, the lack of implementation of specific strategies on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. Objective: To determine the factors associated with premature birth in pregnant adolescents treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto. Methodology: The study was descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective. The population consisted of 194 pregnant adolescents treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to July 2019. Results: It was found that adolescents from 14 to 16 years old represent 77.2%, from the urban area 50.8%, marital status of coexistence with 56.1% and the primary level with the highest proportion in 50, 8%, we also observe that 57% are pregnant with 1 to 5 Prenatal Attention and 5.3% never started their APN and 52.6% finished their delivery by abdominal route. The most frequent morbidity was PPD with 40.4% DCP with 29.8%, UTI with 33.3% and Anemia with 21.1%. Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between age, origin, marital status, degree of education. A significant relationship was found between the number of prenatal care, delivery route, PPD, UTI, Anemia, Preeclampsia, HIE and PROM.
Parto pretermino, Gestante adolescentes, Factores asociados, Preterm delivery, Pregnant adolescents, Associated factors
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