La familia en el desempeño escolar de matriculados del 1er. grado de la institucion educativa primario secundario de menores N°60255 San Juan de Mishahuari 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo fue evaluar la influencia de la familia en el rendimiento
académico de los estudiantes inscritos en el primer grado de la Institución
Educativa Primario Secundario de Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha
Huari durante el año 2023.
La metodología utilizada en la investigación se basó en un diseño
experimental de tipo Pre-Test (antes) y Post-Test (después) con un solo
grupo. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 17 estudiantes
inscritos en el primer grado de la Institución Educativa Primario Secundario de
Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari. La muestra incluyó al 100% de
la población y se seleccionó de manera conveniente.
Para recopilar los datos, se empleó una encuesta o cuestionario que se
tabuló utilizando el software estadístico SPSS 27. Se evaluó la hipótesis
mediante una prueba estadística paramétrica de T Student para muestras
emparejadas. El proceso de prueba de hipótesis condujo a la conclusión de
que la influencia de la familia en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes del
primer grado de la IEPSM N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari durante el año
2023 es estadísticamente significativa. En caso de que el valor p fuera menor
a 0,05, se rechazaría la hipótesis.
The objective was to evaluate the influence of the family on the academic performance of students enrolled in the first grade of the Institución Educativa Primario Secundario de Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari during the year 2023. The methodology used in the research was based on a Pre-Test (before) and Post-Test (after) experimental design with a single group. The study population consisted of 17 students enrolled in the first grade of the Institución Educativa Primario Secundario de Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari. The sample included 100% of the population and was selected in a convenient way. To collect the data, a survey or questionnaire was used and tabulated using SPSS 27 statistical software. The hypothesis was evaluated using a parametric statistical test of T Student for paired samples. The hypothesis testing process led to the conclusion that the influence of family on the school performance of first grade students of the IEPSM N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari during the year 2023 is statistically significant . In case the p-value was less than 0.05, the hypothesis would be rejected.
The objective was to evaluate the influence of the family on the academic performance of students enrolled in the first grade of the Institución Educativa Primario Secundario de Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari during the year 2023. The methodology used in the research was based on a Pre-Test (before) and Post-Test (after) experimental design with a single group. The study population consisted of 17 students enrolled in the first grade of the Institución Educativa Primario Secundario de Menores N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari. The sample included 100% of the population and was selected in a convenient way. To collect the data, a survey or questionnaire was used and tabulated using SPSS 27 statistical software. The hypothesis was evaluated using a parametric statistical test of T Student for paired samples. The hypothesis testing process led to the conclusion that the influence of family on the school performance of first grade students of the IEPSM N°60255 San Juan de Misha Huari during the year 2023 is statistically significant . In case the p-value was less than 0.05, the hypothesis would be rejected.
Familia, Desempeño Escolar, Family, School performance
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