El delito de tráfico ilegal de productos forestales maderables y la reparación civil a través de la compensación ambiental en el distrito judicial de Loreto, 2019-2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El problema general: ¿Cometido el delito de tráfico ilegal de productos forestales maderables se podrá fijar como reparación civil la compensación ambiental? El objetivo es: Justificar que cometido el delito de tráfico ilegal de productos forestales maderables se podrá fijar como reparación civil la compensación ambiental.
La metodología se basó en los operadores del proceso penal en el Distrito Judicial de Loreto. La muestra comprendió 10 Jueces y 10 Fiscales, seleccionados mediante el muestreo no probabilístico, con especial énfasis en aquellos especializados en delitos ambientales.
Los resultados señalan que se debe dar un paquete de reforma legislativa para efecto de incorporar la compensación ambiental como modalidad de la reparación del daño y pueda ser invocada en la sentencia condenatoria por delitos ambientales.
The general problem: Once the crime of illegal trafficking of timber forest products has been committed, can environmental compensation be established as civil compensation? The objective is: To justify that once the crime of illegal trafficking of timber forest products has been committed, environmental compensation can be established as civil compensation. The methodology was based on the operators of the criminal process in the Loreto Judicial District. The sample comprised 10 Judges and 10 Prosecutors, selected through non-probabilistic sampling, with special emphasis on those specialized in environmental crimes. The results indicate that a legislative reform package must be given in order to incorporate environmental compensation as a means of repairing the damage and that it can be invoked in the conviction for environmental crimes.
The general problem: Once the crime of illegal trafficking of timber forest products has been committed, can environmental compensation be established as civil compensation? The objective is: To justify that once the crime of illegal trafficking of timber forest products has been committed, environmental compensation can be established as civil compensation. The methodology was based on the operators of the criminal process in the Loreto Judicial District. The sample comprised 10 Judges and 10 Prosecutors, selected through non-probabilistic sampling, with special emphasis on those specialized in environmental crimes. The results indicate that a legislative reform package must be given in order to incorporate environmental compensation as a means of repairing the damage and that it can be invoked in the conviction for environmental crimes.
Loreto, Compensación ambiental, Reparación del daño y tráfico ilegal de madera, Loreto, Environmental compensation, Damage repair and illegal timber trafficking
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