Nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal y riesgo cariogenico en adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de las II.EE. N.º 60188-Simon Bolivar Y Remanente de Dios. Iquitos 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El Objetivo de la presente tesis es, Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento en salud bucal y riesgo cariogenico en adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de las II.EE. N.º 60188-Simón Bolívar y Remanente de Dios, Iquitos 2024. Metodología: Investigación de tipo cuantitativa y diseño descriptivo, observacional, prospectivo-correlacional y transversal. Población de 615 alumnos adolescentes y muestra: 334. Los resultados encontrados fueron que: la mayoría de estudiantes tenían 13 años (24,9%); con predominio del sexo masculino (51,8%). Los alumnos de ambas instituciones educativas prevalecieron con el nivel de conocimiento regular (64,9%), imperando a la edad de 14 años (77,8%) y en el sexo masculino (65.3%). Y el riesgo cariogenico fue bajo (22,1%). Con una prevalencia de riesgo cariogénico muy bajo (22%) en los adolescentes de la II.EE. Remanente de Dios y una prevalencia de riesgo cariogénico alto (26,9%) en los alumnos de la II.EE. Simón Bolívar. El índice de caries dental (ICPOD), predomino en el sexo masculino (2.32). ICPOD en la II.EE. Remanente de Dios, fue mayor a los 16 años (3.22) e II.EE. Simón Bolívar, a los 17 años (3.14).
Se concluye que el nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal no influye en el riesgo cariogenico de los alumnos de la II.EE. N° 60188 “Simón Bolívar” en comparación con los estudiantes de la II.EE. “Remanente de Dios”, que si influye el nivel de conocimiento en el riesgo cariogenico.
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the level of knowledge in oral health and cariogenic risk in adolescents from 12 to 17 years of age in the II.EE. No. 60188-Simón Bolívar y Remanente de Dios, Iquitos 2024. Methodology: Quantitative research and descriptive, observational, prospective-correlational and transversal design. Population of 615 adolescent students and sample: 334. The results found were that: the majority of students were 13 years old (24.9%); with a predominance of the male sex (51.8%). The students of both educational institutions prevailed with the regular level of knowledge (64.9%), prevailing at the age of 14 years (77.8%) and in the male sex (65.3%). And the cariogenic risk was low (22.1%). With a very low prevalence of cariogenic risk (22%) in adolescents of the II.EE. Remnant of God and a prevalence of high cariogenic risk (26.9%) in the students of the II.EE. Simon Bolivar. The dental caries index (ICPOD) predominated in males (2.32). ICPOD in the II.EE. Remnant of God, he was older at 16 years (3.22) and II.EE. Simón Bolívar, at 17 years old (3.14). It is concluded that the level of knowledge about oral health does not influence the cariogenic risk of II.EE. N° 60188 “Simón Bolívar” in relation to the II.EE. “Remnant of God”, in adolescent students from 12 to 17 years old.
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the level of knowledge in oral health and cariogenic risk in adolescents from 12 to 17 years of age in the II.EE. No. 60188-Simón Bolívar y Remanente de Dios, Iquitos 2024. Methodology: Quantitative research and descriptive, observational, prospective-correlational and transversal design. Population of 615 adolescent students and sample: 334. The results found were that: the majority of students were 13 years old (24.9%); with a predominance of the male sex (51.8%). The students of both educational institutions prevailed with the regular level of knowledge (64.9%), prevailing at the age of 14 years (77.8%) and in the male sex (65.3%). And the cariogenic risk was low (22.1%). With a very low prevalence of cariogenic risk (22%) in adolescents of the II.EE. Remnant of God and a prevalence of high cariogenic risk (26.9%) in the students of the II.EE. Simon Bolivar. The dental caries index (ICPOD) predominated in males (2.32). ICPOD in the II.EE. Remnant of God, he was older at 16 years (3.22) and II.EE. Simón Bolívar, at 17 years old (3.14). It is concluded that the level of knowledge about oral health does not influence the cariogenic risk of II.EE. N° 60188 “Simón Bolívar” in relation to the II.EE. “Remnant of God”, in adolescent students from 12 to 17 years old.
Caries dental, Riesgo cariogenico, Instituciones educativas, Dental caries, Cariogenic risk, Educational institutions
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