Conocimiento de las madres sobre salud bucal e índice de higiene oral de su hijo en dos asentamientos humanos de Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: Las enfermedades bucodentales que presentan los niños tiene su origen en una mala higiene oral debido a las prácticas inadecuadas que tienen en la prevención bucal, siendo un factor la influencia que tiene la madre en la educación de la salud bucal a sus hijos
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de las madres sobre salud bucal y su relación con el índice de higiene oral de su hijo en dos asentamientos humanos de Iquitos, 2023
Metodología: El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo de diseño observacional transversal, prospectivo y correlacional, entrevistando a las madres y evaluando a sus hijos de 3 a 5 años de los AAHH Bello Horizonte (97) AAHH Manco Inca (77), a las madres se le aplicó un cuestionario de 20 preguntas, sobre la prevención de la salud oral (13 preguntas), enfermedades bucodentales (4 preguntas) y sobre la formación de los dientes (3 preguntas); y a los niños se le examinó la cavidad bucal para determinar su índice de higiene oral simplificado, la asocian fue a través de la prueba del chi cuadrado
Resultados: El 44.3% de las madres presentan un nivel regular de conocimiento sobre la salud bucal, el 43.7% con regular nivel de conocimiento sobre la prevención, el 44.8% con un nivel malo de conocimiento sobre las enfermedades bucales y riesgo de caries y el 56.3% con un nivel malo de conocimiento sobre la formación de los dientes; el mejor conocimiento se asoció significativamente con la mayor edad (p=0.003), con nivel de instrucción (p=0.001). El 43.1% de los niños tienen un IHO-S malo, el 36.8% nivel regular y el 20.1% nivel bueno; el IHO-S se asoció a una mayor edad del niño (p=0.031) y al sexo femenino (p=0.034),
Conclusión: El nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal de las madres se asocia significativamente con el nivel bueno de índice de higiene oral simplificado de su menor hijo.
Introduction: The oral diseases presented by children have their origin in poor oral hygiene due to inadequate practices in oral prevention, being a factor the influence that the mother has in the oral health education of her children Objective: To determine the level of knowledge of mothers about oral health and its relationship with their child's oral hygiene index in two human settlements in Iquitos, 2023 Methodology: The study is quantitative with a cross-sectional, prospective and correlational observational design, interviewing mothers and evaluating their children from 3 to 5 years of age from the AAHH Bello Horizonte (97) AAHH Manco Inca (77), the mothers were given a 20-question questionnaire on the prevention of oral health (13 questions). oral diseases (4 questions) and tooth formation (3 questions); and the children had their oral cavity examined to determine their simplified oral hygiene index, the associated was through the chi-square test Results: 44.3% of the mothers had a regular level of knowledge about oral health, 43.7% had a fair level of knowledge about prevention, 4 4.8% had a poor level of knowledge about oral diseases and caries risk, and 56.3% had a poor level of knowledge about tooth formation. (p=0.003), with educational level (p=0.001). 43.1% of the children had a bad IHO-S, 36.8% a fair level and 20.1% a good level; the IHO-S was associated with a higher level of the child (p=0.031) and female sex (p=0.034). Conclusion: The mothers' level of oral health knowledge is significantly associated with their child's good level of simplified oral hygiene index
Introduction: The oral diseases presented by children have their origin in poor oral hygiene due to inadequate practices in oral prevention, being a factor the influence that the mother has in the oral health education of her children Objective: To determine the level of knowledge of mothers about oral health and its relationship with their child's oral hygiene index in two human settlements in Iquitos, 2023 Methodology: The study is quantitative with a cross-sectional, prospective and correlational observational design, interviewing mothers and evaluating their children from 3 to 5 years of age from the AAHH Bello Horizonte (97) AAHH Manco Inca (77), the mothers were given a 20-question questionnaire on the prevention of oral health (13 questions). oral diseases (4 questions) and tooth formation (3 questions); and the children had their oral cavity examined to determine their simplified oral hygiene index, the associated was through the chi-square test Results: 44.3% of the mothers had a regular level of knowledge about oral health, 43.7% had a fair level of knowledge about prevention, 4 4.8% had a poor level of knowledge about oral diseases and caries risk, and 56.3% had a poor level of knowledge about tooth formation. (p=0.003), with educational level (p=0.001). 43.1% of the children had a bad IHO-S, 36.8% a fair level and 20.1% a good level; the IHO-S was associated with a higher level of the child (p=0.031) and female sex (p=0.034). Conclusion: The mothers' level of oral health knowledge is significantly associated with their child's good level of simplified oral hygiene index
Conocimiento, Salud Bucal, Higiene oral, Iquitos, Knowledge, Oral Health, Oral Hygiene, Iquitos
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