Experiencia en la gestión y manejo de residuos sólidos en el hospital central de la fuerza aérea del Perú, periodo 2018 - 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El manejo de los residuos sólid'os hospitalarios, es un sistema de seguridad sanitaria
que se inicia en el punto de generación, para continuar su manejo en las diferentes
un'idades del hospital, hasta asegurar su destino fina'I fuera del est~blecimiento, para
su tratamiento o disposición adecuada. El manejo sanitario y ambiental de los residuos
sólidos en el país, es una tendencia cada vez más creciente que se verifica en la
conciencia ambiental de la comunidad, los gobiernos locales y las diversas
instituciones que tienen responsabilidad directa, como es el caso del Ministerio de
Salud - MINSA. Este trabajo de experiencia profesional fue realizado en el Hospttal
Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, ubicado en el departamento de Urna, tuvo como
objetivo poner en práctica los lineamientos y procedimientos establecidos por el
Ministerio de Salud para la gestión y manejo de los residuos sólidos generados por el
personal del Hospital Central, estandarizar las condiciones de seguridad para los
pacientes, personal de salud, personal de limpieza y visitantes expuestos a los
residuos sólidos y como último objetivo dar a conocer alternativas para minimizar la
generación de residuos sólidos peligrosos y no peligrosos .. La composición de los
residuos generados en el Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú es
aproximadamente 80% residuos comunes y el restantes es 20% residuos peligrosos
pero estas cifras o porcentajes variaron en el año 2020 a causa del COVID - 19,
dando como resultado 80% residuos peligrosos y un 20% de residuos comunes.
Respecto a las condiciones técnicas operativas se identificó que la infraestructura
destinada al almacenamiento intermedio, transporte y Almacenamiento final cumple
con lo establecido en la actual Norma Técnica de Sa'lud para el Manejo de Residuos
Sólidos Hospitalarios.
The management of solid hosp.ital waste is a sanitary safety system that begins at the point of generation and continues through the different hospital units until it reaches its final destination outside the facility for treatment or appropriate disposal. The sanitary and environmental management of solid waste in the country is a growing trend that is reflected in the environmental awareness of the community, local governments and the various institutions that have direct responsibility, such as the Ministerio de Salud • MINSA. This work of professional experíence was carried out at the Hospital Central de la fuerza Aérea del Perú, located in the department of Lima, with the objective of putting into practice the guidelines and procedures established by the Ministerio de salud for the management and handling of solid waste generated by the personnel of the Central Hospital, standardizing the safety conditions for patients, health personnel, cleaning personnel and visitors exposed to salid waste and, finally, to present alternativas for minimizing the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. The composition of the waste generated at the Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú is approximately 80% common waste and the remaining 20% is hazardous waste, but these figures or percentages changed in 2020 dueto COVID-19, resulting in 80% hazardous waste and 20% common waste. In terms of technical operating conditions, the infrastructure for intermediate storage, transportation and final . . storage complies with the current Technical Health Standard far the Management of Solid Hospital Waste.
The management of solid hosp.ital waste is a sanitary safety system that begins at the point of generation and continues through the different hospital units until it reaches its final destination outside the facility for treatment or appropriate disposal. The sanitary and environmental management of solid waste in the country is a growing trend that is reflected in the environmental awareness of the community, local governments and the various institutions that have direct responsibility, such as the Ministerio de Salud • MINSA. This work of professional experíence was carried out at the Hospital Central de la fuerza Aérea del Perú, located in the department of Lima, with the objective of putting into practice the guidelines and procedures established by the Ministerio de salud for the management and handling of solid waste generated by the personnel of the Central Hospital, standardizing the safety conditions for patients, health personnel, cleaning personnel and visitors exposed to salid waste and, finally, to present alternativas for minimizing the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. The composition of the waste generated at the Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú is approximately 80% common waste and the remaining 20% is hazardous waste, but these figures or percentages changed in 2020 dueto COVID-19, resulting in 80% hazardous waste and 20% common waste. In terms of technical operating conditions, the infrastructure for intermediate storage, transportation and final . . storage complies with the current Technical Health Standard far the Management of Solid Hospital Waste.
Residuos sólidos hospitalarios, Manejo de residuos hospitalarios, Hospital Salid waste, Hospital waste managemen
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