Centro recreacional “la campiña” para la logia unión amazónica 5 n°25 del distrito de San Juan Bautista, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general el desarrollar un proyecto de centro recreacional para la Logia Unión Amazónica 5 N°25 que cubra las necesidades recreativas de los agremiados, considerando tipologías arquitectónicas para trópico húmedo, que revaloricen el terreno existente, asignándole un uso compatible con las actividades a desarrollar. Brindando espacios de contacto con la naturaleza, recreación y ocio a la población, además de recuperar la zona mediante elementos paisajísticos. Y ofreciendo un servicio y entretenimiento de calidad integral para el usuario.
El análisis surgió considerando la falta del equipamiento adecuado para el desarrollo de un centro recreativo y, teniendo en cuenta que el terreno de la logia posee un gran potencial para su uso, se formuló la propuesta de diseño arquitectónico adaptado al contexto, aprovechando los recursos naturales del lugar y su potencial paisajístico haciendo de éste, un lugar atractivo para los agremiados y la población en general. La relación entre los elementos naturales, artificiales y adicionales, estableció los elementos de diseño pertinentes que se aplicaron en el diseño de centro recreacional.
The objective of this study was to develop a recreational center project for the Logia Unión Amazónica 5 N ° 25 that covers the recreational needs of the members, considering architectural typologies for the humid tropics, which revalue the existing land, assigning it a use compatible with the activities to be developed. Providing spaces of contact with nature, recreation and leisure to the population, in addition to recovering the area through landscape elements. And offering a comprehensive quality service and entertainment for the user. The analysis arose considering the lack of adequate equipment for the development of a recreational center and, taking into account that the land of the loggia has great potential for its use, the architectural design proposal adapted to the context was formulated, taking advantage of natural resources of the place and its landscape potential making it an attractive place for members and the general population. The relationship between natural, artificial and additional elements established the relevant design elements that were applied in the recreation center design.
The objective of this study was to develop a recreational center project for the Logia Unión Amazónica 5 N ° 25 that covers the recreational needs of the members, considering architectural typologies for the humid tropics, which revalue the existing land, assigning it a use compatible with the activities to be developed. Providing spaces of contact with nature, recreation and leisure to the population, in addition to recovering the area through landscape elements. And offering a comprehensive quality service and entertainment for the user. The analysis arose considering the lack of adequate equipment for the development of a recreational center and, taking into account that the land of the loggia has great potential for its use, the architectural design proposal adapted to the context was formulated, taking advantage of natural resources of the place and its landscape potential making it an attractive place for members and the general population. The relationship between natural, artificial and additional elements established the relevant design elements that were applied in the recreation center design.
Centro recreacional, Tipologías arquitectónicas, Paisajísticos, Recreation center, Architectural typologies, Landscape
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