Las 5 s del kaisen aplicado al proyecto: “Creación del centro de abastecimiento y comercialización de productos agropecuarios de la localidad islandia, distritos de Yavari - Provincia de Mariscal Ramón Castilla - departamento de Loreto
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En cuanto a la presente investigación cuyo objetivo fue el de: Mejorar la productividad en el proyecto: Creación Del Centro De Abastecimiento Y Comercialización De Productos Agropecuarios De La Localidad Islandia, Distritos De Yavari - Provincia De Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Departamento De Loreto empleando para ello las 5S del Kaisen. Su diseño fue el Pre Experimental, tiempo de estudio fue 14 meses. Se emplearon hojas de cálculo xlsx y el programa SPSS para el análisis estadístico del T-Student asimismo la ubicación del Proyecto estubo en la provincia de Maynas del Departamento de Loreto. Se realizaron contrastaciones de las hipótesis generales y especificas, concluyendo de esta manera que las 5 S Del Kaisen incrementa la productividad en el proyecto: “Creación del centro de abastecimiento y comercialización de productos agropecuarios de la localidad islandia, distritos de yavari - provincia de mariscal ramón castilla - departamento de Loreto” en un 58.59% , reflejándose también en un incremento de la eficiencia de 29.51% y un incremento de la eficacia de 44.89%. finalizando que la aplicación de las 5 s del kaisen aplicado al proyecto: “creación del centro de abastecimiento y comercialización de productos agropecuarios de la localidad islandia, distritos de yavari - provincia de mariscal ramón castilla - departamento de loreto” mejoró significativamente la productividad lográndose los objetivos planteados.
Regarding the present research whose objective was to: Improve productivity in the project: Creation of the Center for the Supply and Marketing of Agricultural Products of the Locality Iceland, Districts of Yavari - Province of Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Department of Loreto using for this purpose the 5S of Kaisen. Its design was Pre-Experimental, study time was 14 months. XLSX spreadsheets and the SPSS program were used for the statistical analysis of the T-Student. Likewise, the location of the Project was in the province of Maynas in the Department of Loreto. Contrasts of the general and specific hypotheses were carried out, concluding in this way that the 5 S of Kaisen increases productivity in the project: “Creation of the supply and marketing center for agricultural products in the town of Iceland, districts of Yavari - province of Marshal ramón castilla - department of Loreto” by 58.59%, also reflected in an increase in efficiency of 29.51% and an increase in effectiveness of 44.89%. ending that the application of the 5 s of the kaisen applied to the project: “creation of the supply and marketing center for agricultural products in the town of Iceland, districts of Yavari - province of Marshal Ramón Castilla - department of Loreto” significantly improved productivity, achieving the planted objectives.
Regarding the present research whose objective was to: Improve productivity in the project: Creation of the Center for the Supply and Marketing of Agricultural Products of the Locality Iceland, Districts of Yavari - Province of Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Department of Loreto using for this purpose the 5S of Kaisen. Its design was Pre-Experimental, study time was 14 months. XLSX spreadsheets and the SPSS program were used for the statistical analysis of the T-Student. Likewise, the location of the Project was in the province of Maynas in the Department of Loreto. Contrasts of the general and specific hypotheses were carried out, concluding in this way that the 5 S of Kaisen increases productivity in the project: “Creation of the supply and marketing center for agricultural products in the town of Iceland, districts of Yavari - province of Marshal ramón castilla - department of Loreto” by 58.59%, also reflected in an increase in efficiency of 29.51% and an increase in effectiveness of 44.89%. ending that the application of the 5 s of the kaisen applied to the project: “creation of the supply and marketing center for agricultural products in the town of Iceland, districts of Yavari - province of Marshal Ramón Castilla - department of Loreto” significantly improved productivity, achieving the planted objectives.
Las 5 S Del Kaisen, Productividad, Eficiencia y eficacia, The 5 S's of Kaizen, Productivity, Efficiency and effectiveness
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