Plan de negocio bebidas exóticas amazónicas en Iquitos, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la actualidad ciudad necesita explotar recursos de la región, calidad para obtener un producto satisfactorio en el mercado y a nivel exterior la cual las personas o clientes optan por degustar y dar un valor agregado a nuestro producto.
Teniendo siempre como objetivo dejar en alto en nombre de Iquitos.
En este proyecto es proponer un negocio con mucha viabilidad para darse a conocer en el mercado.
AMAZONICAS SRL se especializará la venta para un acontecimiento con producto de buena calidad, contamos con personal profesionales capacitados para el buen servicio al cliente, donde el mercado se sitúa en el centro de la ciudad de Iquitos.
Currently, the city needs to exploit the region's resources, quality to obtain a satisfactory product in the market and abroad, which people or clients choose to taste and give added value to our product. Always aiming to leave the name of Iquitos on high. In this project is to propose a business with great viability to make itself known in the market. AMAZONICAS SRL will specialize in the sale for an event with a good quality product, we have professional personnel trained for good customer service, where the market is located in the center of the city of Iquitos.
Currently, the city needs to exploit the region's resources, quality to obtain a satisfactory product in the market and abroad, which people or clients choose to taste and give added value to our product. Always aiming to leave the name of Iquitos on high. In this project is to propose a business with great viability to make itself known in the market. AMAZONICAS SRL will specialize in the sale for an event with a good quality product, we have professional personnel trained for good customer service, where the market is located in the center of the city of Iquitos.
Plan de negocio, Mercado, Licores exóticos, Business plan, Market, Exotic liquors
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