Subsistema de integración de recursos humanos y cuaderno de obra digital en obras publicas de la provincia de San Martín, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio fue ejecutado en la provincia de San Martín, con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre subsistema de integración de recursos humanos y cuaderno de obra digital en obras públicas de la provincia de San Martín, 2021. Su metodología fue de tipo descriptivo correlacional de diseño no experimental y de corte transaccional, en la muestra participaron a 44 profesionales del área de infraestructura de municipios, residentes de obras, inspectores de obra y supervisores de obra que alguna vez asumieron el cargo en las ejecuciones de las obras publicas en dicha localidad, el instrumento fue el cuestionario para recolectar información de ambas variables.
Los resultados reflejaron que el 48% indico que, el nivel de eficiencia del subsistema de integración de recursos humanos del sector construcción es regular, mientras, el 55% manifestaron que el nivel de eficiencia del Cuaderno de Obra Digital empleado en sector construcción es regular en la provincia de San Martín. Concluyo que existe una correlación muy baja entre subsistema de integración de recursos humanos y cuaderno de obra digital en las obras públicas en la provincia de San Martín, 2021. Porque, de acuerdo a la prueba estadístico de la Tau_b de Kendall, se obtuvo un coeficiente del 0,029 reflejando una correlación muy baja; y un p valor igual a 0,838 mayor (p-valor ≥ 0.05).
The present study was carried out in the province of San Martín, with the objective of determining the relationship between the subsystem of integration of human resources and the digital work notebook in public works in the province of San Martín, 2021. Its methodology was descriptive correlational. of nonexperimental and transactional design, the sample included 44 professionals from the municipal infrastructure area, construction residents, construction inspectors, and construction supervisors who once assumed office in the execution of public works in said locality ,the instrument was the questionnaire to collect information on both variables. The results reflected that 48% indicated that the level of efficiency of the human resources integration subsystem of the construction sector is regular, while 55% stated that the level of efficiency of the Digital Work Notebook used in the construction sector is regular in the province of San Martín. I conclude that there is a very low correlation between the subsystem of integration of human resources and the digital work notebook in public works in the province of San Martín, 2021. Because, according to the statistical test of Kendall's Tau_b, a coefficient was obtained 0.029 reflecting a very low correlation; and a p value equal to 0.838 higher (p-value ≥ 0.05).
The present study was carried out in the province of San Martín, with the objective of determining the relationship between the subsystem of integration of human resources and the digital work notebook in public works in the province of San Martín, 2021. Its methodology was descriptive correlational. of nonexperimental and transactional design, the sample included 44 professionals from the municipal infrastructure area, construction residents, construction inspectors, and construction supervisors who once assumed office in the execution of public works in said locality ,the instrument was the questionnaire to collect information on both variables. The results reflected that 48% indicated that the level of efficiency of the human resources integration subsystem of the construction sector is regular, while 55% stated that the level of efficiency of the Digital Work Notebook used in the construction sector is regular in the province of San Martín. I conclude that there is a very low correlation between the subsystem of integration of human resources and the digital work notebook in public works in the province of San Martín, 2021. Because, according to the statistical test of Kendall's Tau_b, a coefficient was obtained 0.029 reflecting a very low correlation; and a p value equal to 0.838 higher (p-value ≥ 0.05).
Subsistema de integración de recursos humanos, Cuaderno de obra digital, Mercado de trabajo, Human resources integration subsystem, Digital workbook, Labor market
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