Factores de riesgo asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto, setiembre a noviembre del 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La preeclampsia es un trastorno hipertensivo inducido por el embarazo que se manifiesta clínicamente después de las 20 semanas de gestación. Constituye un problema de salud pública porque incide en las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad materna nivel mundial oscila entre 2 y 10% de los embarazos.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto, setiembre a noviembre del 2019.
Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo no experimental de diseño descriptivo y retrospectivo, los casos estuvieron constituidos por gestantes que tuvieron preeclampsia (41 pacientes) y que fueron atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto.
Resultados: Se encontró que el 65.9% tenían edad entre los 20 a 34 años de edad, 73.2% con grado de instrucción secundaria, el 71% procede de la zona urbana, el 65.9 % eran multíparas, el 44% con APN inadecuado (menos de 6 controles). El tipo de preeclampsia más frecuente fue la severa 90.2%. Se encontró asociación significativa con la Edad (p= 0.011), procedencia (p = 0.039) Paridad (p= 0.026) APN (p= 0.039), Hipertensión (p= 0.025) Diabetes (p=0.012) y con la obesidad (p=0.04)
Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo asociados a preeclampsia fueron edad, procedencia, la APN, la Hipertensión, la diabetes y la obesidad
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorder that manifests clinically after 20 weeks of gestation. It constitutes a public health problem because it affects maternal morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, ranging between 2 and 10% of pregnancies. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with preeclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, from September to November 2019. Methodology: Non-experimental quantitative study of descriptive and retrospective design, the cases were made up of pregnant women who had preeclampsia (41 patients) and who were treated at the regional hospital of Loreto. Results: It was found that 65.9% were between 20 and 34 years old, 73.2% had secondary education, 71% came from urban areas, 65.9% were multiparous, 44% had inadequate APN (less of 6 controls). The most frequent type of preeclampsia was severe 90.2%. A significant association was found with age (p= 0.011), origin (p= 0.039), parity (p= 0.026), APN (p= 0.039), hypertension (p= 0.025), diabetes (p=0.012) and obesity (p =0.04) Conclusions: The risk factors associated with preeclampsia were age, origin, APN, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorder that manifests clinically after 20 weeks of gestation. It constitutes a public health problem because it affects maternal morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, ranging between 2 and 10% of pregnancies. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with preeclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, from September to November 2019. Methodology: Non-experimental quantitative study of descriptive and retrospective design, the cases were made up of pregnant women who had preeclampsia (41 patients) and who were treated at the regional hospital of Loreto. Results: It was found that 65.9% were between 20 and 34 years old, 73.2% had secondary education, 71% came from urban areas, 65.9% were multiparous, 44% had inadequate APN (less of 6 controls). The most frequent type of preeclampsia was severe 90.2%. A significant association was found with age (p= 0.011), origin (p= 0.039), parity (p= 0.026), APN (p= 0.039), hypertension (p= 0.025), diabetes (p=0.012) and obesity (p =0.04) Conclusions: The risk factors associated with preeclampsia were age, origin, APN, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.
Preeclampsia, Factores de Riesgo, Gestantes, Preeclampsia, Risk Factors, Pregnant women
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