Factores relacionados a la anemia en el embarazo a termino en el centro de salud Moronacocha. Junio a julio del 2002
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente es un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y transversal cuyo objetivo es
determinar en qué medida los factores: control prenatal, condición socioeconómica,
consumo de alimentos, suplementación de hierro, paridad, periodo ínter genésico corto y
composición familiar influyen en la anemia de las gestantes.
Se realizo en el Consultorio Prenatal del Centro de Salud Morona Cocha, con una
muestra constituida por 94 gestantes con embarazo a término que cumplieron con los
criterios de inclusión
Se encontró los resultados donde se observa que el mayor porcentaje( 69.1%) de
gestantes está en edad reproductiva adecuada (20-35 años), la mayoría son convivientes
(68.1%), El mayor porcentaje tiene educación secundaria
El Análisis de Tukey muestra el orden de importancia de los factores en el nivel de
hemoglobina: Consumo de leche y derivados, consumo de frutas y verduras, Ingreso
económico, edad de la madre, consumo de alimentos de origen animal, paridad, etc.
Los factores: composición familiar, consumo de leche y derivados, consumo de alimentos
de origen animal, consumo de frutas y verduras, consumo de menestras y cereales y
tubérculos influyen en los niveles de hemoglobina al 0.05 de significación.
The present is a prospective, descriptive and traverse study whose objective is to determine in that measured the factors: prenatal control, socioeconomic condition, consumption of foods, iron suplementación, parity, period short genesic ínter and family composition influence in the anemia of the gestantes One canies out in the Prenatal Clinic of the Center of Salud Morena Cocha, with one constituted by 94 gestantes with pregnancy to term that you/they fulfilled the inclusion approaches He/she was the results where it is observed that the biggest percentage (69.1%) of gestantes it is in appropriate reproductive age (20-35 years), most is convivientes (68.1%), The biggest percentage has secondary education The Analysis of Tukey muetra the arder of importance of the factors in the hemoglobin level: Consumption of milk and derived, consumption of fruits and vegetables, economic Entrance, the mother's age, consumption of foods of animal origin, parity, etc. The factors: family composition, consumption of milk and derived, consumption of foods of animal origin, consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of pottages and cereals and tubers influence in the hemoglobin levels at the 0.05 of significance.
The present is a prospective, descriptive and traverse study whose objective is to determine in that measured the factors: prenatal control, socioeconomic condition, consumption of foods, iron suplementación, parity, period short genesic ínter and family composition influence in the anemia of the gestantes One canies out in the Prenatal Clinic of the Center of Salud Morena Cocha, with one constituted by 94 gestantes with pregnancy to term that you/they fulfilled the inclusion approaches He/she was the results where it is observed that the biggest percentage (69.1%) of gestantes it is in appropriate reproductive age (20-35 years), most is convivientes (68.1%), The biggest percentage has secondary education The Analysis of Tukey muetra the arder of importance of the factors in the hemoglobin level: Consumption of milk and derived, consumption of fruits and vegetables, economic Entrance, the mother's age, consumption of foods of animal origin, parity, etc. The factors: family composition, consumption of milk and derived, consumption of foods of animal origin, consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of pottages and cereals and tubers influence in the hemoglobin levels at the 0.05 of significance.
Anemia, Embarazo, Pregnancy, Anemia
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