Grado de satisfacción del cuidado de enfermería en padres de familia en UCIpediatría hospital regional de Loreto, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de satisfacción del cuidado de enfermeria de
los tutores de familia los niños hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados
intensivos del Hospital Regional de Loreto. Metodología: población de 20
padres de familia desde marzo a junio 2021. La técnica aplicada
entrevista. El instrumento utilizado cuestionario de Care-Q. Resultados:
Edad de los padres entre 18 a 26 años, 70% sexo femenino, amas de
casa 55%, grado de instrucción secundaria 65%, el 84,2% manifestaron
grado de satisfacción alta y el 15,8% satisfacción media. Conclusiones:
presentaron nivel alto de satisfacción (100%), las dimensiones confort, se
anticipa, confianza, monitorea y hace seguimiento, la estancia hospitalaria
y la dimensión de accesibilidad se relacionan p=0. 032.
Objective: To identify the level of satisfaction with the nursing care of the family tutors of the children hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Regional Hospital of Loreto. Methodology: population of 20 parents from March to June 2021. The applied interview technique. The instrument used the Care-Q questionnaire. Results: Age of the parents between 18 to 26 years, 70% female, 55% housewives, 65% secondary education level, 84.2% showed a high degree of satisfaction and 15.8% average satisfaction. Conclusions: they presented a high level of satisfaction (100%), the dimensions comfort, anticipate, trust, monitor and follow-up, the hospital stay and the accessibility dimension are related p = 0. 032.
Objective: To identify the level of satisfaction with the nursing care of the family tutors of the children hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Regional Hospital of Loreto. Methodology: population of 20 parents from March to June 2021. The applied interview technique. The instrument used the Care-Q questionnaire. Results: Age of the parents between 18 to 26 years, 70% female, 55% housewives, 65% secondary education level, 84.2% showed a high degree of satisfaction and 15.8% average satisfaction. Conclusions: they presented a high level of satisfaction (100%), the dimensions comfort, anticipate, trust, monitor and follow-up, the hospital stay and the accessibility dimension are related p = 0. 032.
Cuestionario, Cuidados de enfermeria, Grados de satisfacción, Questionnaire, Nursing care, Degrees of satisfaction
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