Implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP basado en software libre asterisk version 13.21.1 para optimizar la comunicación en la empresa CSM Corporación Oriente SAC. Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo general de esta investigación fue analizar la influencia del servicio de voz sobre IP basado en software libre Asterisk versión 13.21.1 para optimizar la comunicación de la empresa CSM Corporación Oriente SAC de Iquitos, 2023. Se planteó la hipótesis de que la implementación de voz sobre IP basado en software libre Asterisk versión 13.21.1 mejorará la calidad de comunicación de la empresa CSM Corporación oriente SAC de Iquitos, 2023. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, un tipo de investigación experimental, nivel de investigación pre experimental y un diseño pre experimental. La técnica empleada fue la pre prueba y post prueba y el instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario validado por tres expertos. Los datos fueron tabulados utilizando el Programa SPSS, versión 26, los mismos que fueron analizados e interpretados los gráficos estadísticos obtenidos en cada uno de las interrogantes e indicadores.
Se utilizó el análisis estadístico no paramétrico para los datos categorizados a través de la prueba U de Mann Whitney. Los resultados mostraron que la implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP basado en software Asterisk mejoro en la calidad de comunicación de la empresa, ya que se obtuvo un valor de significancia p de 0.002, que es menor que 0.05. Por lo tanto, se aceptó la hipótesis alterna y se rechazó la hipótesis nula, lo que significa que la implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP basado en software asterisk mejoró la calidad de comunicación de la empresa.
The general objective of this research was to analyze the influence of the voice over IP service based on free software Asterisk version 13.21.1 to optimize the communication of the company CSM Corporación Oriente SAC of Iquitos, 2023. The hypothesis was raised that the implementation of Voice over IP based on free software Asterisk version 13.21.1 will improve the quality of communication of the company CSM Corporación Oriente SAC of Iquitos, 2023. A quantitative approach was used, a type of experimental research, pre-experimental research level and a quasi-design. experimental. The technique used was pre-test and post-test and the instrument used was a questionnaire validated by three experts. The data were tabulated using the SPSS Program, version 26, the same ones that were analyzed and interpreted the statistical graphs obtained in each of the questions and indicators. Nonparametric statistical analysis was used for data categorized through the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the implementation of the voice over IP service based on Asterisk software improved the company's communication quality, since a significance p value of 0.002 was obtained, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected, which means that the implementation of the voice over IP service based on asterisk software improved the communication quality of the company.
The general objective of this research was to analyze the influence of the voice over IP service based on free software Asterisk version 13.21.1 to optimize the communication of the company CSM Corporación Oriente SAC of Iquitos, 2023. The hypothesis was raised that the implementation of Voice over IP based on free software Asterisk version 13.21.1 will improve the quality of communication of the company CSM Corporación Oriente SAC of Iquitos, 2023. A quantitative approach was used, a type of experimental research, pre-experimental research level and a quasi-design. experimental. The technique used was pre-test and post-test and the instrument used was a questionnaire validated by three experts. The data were tabulated using the SPSS Program, version 26, the same ones that were analyzed and interpreted the statistical graphs obtained in each of the questions and indicators. Nonparametric statistical analysis was used for data categorized through the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the implementation of the voice over IP service based on Asterisk software improved the company's communication quality, since a significance p value of 0.002 was obtained, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected, which means that the implementation of the voice over IP service based on asterisk software improved the communication quality of the company.
Servicio de voz sobre IP, Software Asterisk, Calidad de comunicación, Voice over IP service, Asterisk software, Communication quality
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