Factores asociados a recién nacido de bajo peso en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el hospital III Iquitos – EsSalud 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: El bajo peso a nacer es un problema de salud pública, se asocia a mortalidad neonata e infantil, y a largo plazo de obesidad, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, y enfermedad coronaria, más aún, su incidencia aumenta en gestantes adolescentes, porque es importante conocer los factores que pueden predisponer su presencia
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a recién nacido de bajo peso en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD, 2018.
Material y métodos: El presente es un estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo, comparativo, con una población de 104 gestantes adolescentes, un tamaño muestral de 88, obteniendo información de su peso de recién nacido y comparado con las características sociodemográficas y obstétricas de la gestante adolescente
Resultados: El 14.8% de los recién nacidos presentaron bajo peso y el 2.3% de muy bajo peso; los cuales se asociaron a una menor edad de la adolescente (OR=18, p=0.001), procedencia rural (OR=3.12, p=0.008); bajo peso pregestacional (OR=6.22, p=0.005), menos de 37 semanas de gestación (OR=9.05, p=0.000); atención prenatal no adecuada (OR=5.34, p=0.002), preeclampsia (OR=18.67, p=0.001), eclampsia (OR=18.67, p=0.007), HIE (OR=9.33, p=0.008), hiperémesis gravídica (OR=9.33, p=0.014), ITU (OR=5.18, P=0.034) y anemia (OR=4.67, p=0.033)
Conclusión: la presencia de características sociodemográficas y obstétricas de las gestantes adolescentes se asocian significativamente con los recién nacidos de bajo peso al nacer.
Low birth weight is a public health problem, it is associated with neon and infant mortality, and in the long term of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease, moreover, its incidence increases in adolescent pregnant women, because it is important to know the factors that may predispose their presence Objective: To determine the factors associated with low-weight newborn in adolescent pregnant women attended at Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD, 2018. Matherial Mand methods: The present is a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, comparative study, with a population of 104 adolescent pregnant women, a sample size of 88, obtaining information on their newborn weight and compared to the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of the teenage pregnant Results: 14.8% of newborns were underweight and 2.3% very underweight; which were associated with a lower age of the adolescent (OR-18, p-0.001), rural origin (OR-3.12, p-0.008); low pregestational weight (OR-6.22, p-0.005), less than 37 weeks gestation (OR-9.05, p-0.000); unsused prenatal care (OR-5.34, p-0.002), preeclampsia (OR-18.67, p-0.001), eclampsia (OR-18.67, p-0.007), HIE (OR-9.33, p-0.008), hyperemesis-free (OR-9.33, p-0.014), ITU (OR-5.18, P-0.034) and anemia (OR-4.67, p-0.033) Conclusion: The presence of sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of adolescent pregnant women are significantly associated with low birth weight newborns.
Low birth weight is a public health problem, it is associated with neon and infant mortality, and in the long term of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease, moreover, its incidence increases in adolescent pregnant women, because it is important to know the factors that may predispose their presence Objective: To determine the factors associated with low-weight newborn in adolescent pregnant women attended at Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD, 2018. Matherial Mand methods: The present is a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, comparative study, with a population of 104 adolescent pregnant women, a sample size of 88, obtaining information on their newborn weight and compared to the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of the teenage pregnant Results: 14.8% of newborns were underweight and 2.3% very underweight; which were associated with a lower age of the adolescent (OR-18, p-0.001), rural origin (OR-3.12, p-0.008); low pregestational weight (OR-6.22, p-0.005), less than 37 weeks gestation (OR-9.05, p-0.000); unsused prenatal care (OR-5.34, p-0.002), preeclampsia (OR-18.67, p-0.001), eclampsia (OR-18.67, p-0.007), HIE (OR-9.33, p-0.008), hyperemesis-free (OR-9.33, p-0.014), ITU (OR-5.18, P-0.034) and anemia (OR-4.67, p-0.033) Conclusion: The presence of sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of adolescent pregnant women are significantly associated with low birth weight newborns.
Bajo peso, factores, adolescentes, Weight, Factors, Teens
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