Plan de negocios bici publicidad, ciudad de Iquitos 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente proyecto se encuentra en el rubro de servicios publicitarios utilizando como medio, las bicicletas.
En el estudio se determino que el proyecto de publicitario en bicicletas surge por la necesidad que existe en las pequeñas empresas de poder contara con publicidad de acorde a su economía con niveles competitivos el cual genere un mayor impacto en la mente de su cliente final.
Mediante el estudio se determinó que su público objetivo está conformado por pequeñas y medianas empresas de la región Loreto que pertenece a las categorías de producto y servicio.
En cuanto plan económico y financiero, se ha encontrado el Valor Actual Neto económico (VANE) de S/. 178,275 y un Valor Actual Neto Financiero (VANF) de S/.172,209.La Tasa interna de retorno económica (TIRE) es de 85% y la Tasa Interna de Retorno Financiera (TIRF) es de 92%. El índice beneficio costo económico es de S/.3.32 y el Índice Beneficio Costo Financiero es de S/.3.32
Finalmente, se llegó a las conclusiones del presente plan en el cual se destaca una buena viabilidad del presente proyecto y el cual se teniendo en cuenta líneas arriba es recomendable llevarlo a cabo.
This project is in the field of advertising services using bicycles as a means. In the study it was determined that the bicycle advertising project arises from the need that exists in small businesses to be able to count on advertising according to their economy with competitive levels which generates a greater impact on the mind of their final client. Through the study, it was determined that its target audience is made up of small and medium-sized companies in the Loreto region that belong to the product and service categories. As an economic and financial plan, the Economic Net Present Value (VANE) of S/. 178,275 and a Financial Net Present Value (VANF) of S/.172,209. The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 85% and the Internal Financial Rate of Return (TIRF) is 92%. The economic cost benefit index is S/.3.32 and the Financial Cost Benefit Index is S/.3.58. Finally, the conclusions of this plan were reached, in which a good viability of this project is highlighted and which, taking into account the lines above, is recommended to carry it out.
This project is in the field of advertising services using bicycles as a means. In the study it was determined that the bicycle advertising project arises from the need that exists in small businesses to be able to count on advertising according to their economy with competitive levels which generates a greater impact on the mind of their final client. Through the study, it was determined that its target audience is made up of small and medium-sized companies in the Loreto region that belong to the product and service categories. As an economic and financial plan, the Economic Net Present Value (VANE) of S/. 178,275 and a Financial Net Present Value (VANF) of S/.172,209. The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 85% and the Internal Financial Rate of Return (TIRF) is 92%. The economic cost benefit index is S/.3.32 and the Financial Cost Benefit Index is S/.3.58. Finally, the conclusions of this plan were reached, in which a good viability of this project is highlighted and which, taking into account the lines above, is recommended to carry it out.
Plan de negocio, Publicidad, Servicio, Bicicleta, Business plan, Advertising, Bicycle, Service
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