Plan de negocio lanzamiento de tienda virtual de artesanias a base de fibra vegetal, Iquitos, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente plan de negocios tiene como finalidad aprovechar el
potencial cultural de Loreto para el mercado nacional, y posteriormente al
mercado internacional. La tienda online se dedicará a la venta de artesanías, contribuyendo con los artesanos a ofrecer sus productos.
La actividad económica que se realizará es el e-commerce, o
comercio electrónico, el cual tuvo auge en la situación derivada del Covid-
19, circunstancia que llevó a optar por la compra virtual, en vez del
comercio tradicional. La fuente de aprovisionamiento serán artesanos de
la región, con experiencia y especializados fibra vegetal (chambira), bisutería artesanal, tejidos y trabajos textiles. La estructura organizacional
se diseñó en base a una micro empresa, y en el régimen tributario NRUS, con una organización sencilla.
El estudio económico financiero indica un valor actual neto económico
de S/.146,132 y un valor anual neto financiero de S/. 134,799. La tasa interna de retorno económica (TIR) es 211% y la tasa interna de retorno financiera es 299%. El índice beneficio costo económico es S/. 6.06 y el
índice beneficio costo financiero es S/. 8.14 lo que muestra viabilidad y
The purpose of this business plan is to take advantage of the cultural potential of Loreto for the national market, and later to the international market. The online store will be dedicated to the sale of handicrafts, contributing with the artisans to offer their products. The economic activity to be carried out is e-commerce, or electronic commerce, which boomed in the situation derived from Covid-19, a circumstance that led to opt for virtual shopping, instead of traditional commerce. The source of supply will be artisans of the region, with experience and specialized in vegetable fiber (chambira), handmade jewelry, weaving and textile works. The organizational structure was designed on the basis of a microenterprise, and under the NRUS tax regime, with a simple organization. The economic-financial study indicates an economic net present value of S/. 146,132 and an annual financial net value of S/. 134,799. The economic internal rate of return (IRR) is 211% and the financial internal rate of return is 299%. The economic benefit-cost ratio is S/. 6.06 and the financial benefit-cost ratio is S/. 8.14, which shows viability and profitability.
The purpose of this business plan is to take advantage of the cultural potential of Loreto for the national market, and later to the international market. The online store will be dedicated to the sale of handicrafts, contributing with the artisans to offer their products. The economic activity to be carried out is e-commerce, or electronic commerce, which boomed in the situation derived from Covid-19, a circumstance that led to opt for virtual shopping, instead of traditional commerce. The source of supply will be artisans of the region, with experience and specialized in vegetable fiber (chambira), handmade jewelry, weaving and textile works. The organizational structure was designed on the basis of a microenterprise, and under the NRUS tax regime, with a simple organization. The economic-financial study indicates an economic net present value of S/. 146,132 and an annual financial net value of S/. 134,799. The economic internal rate of return (IRR) is 211% and the financial internal rate of return is 299%. The economic benefit-cost ratio is S/. 6.06 and the financial benefit-cost ratio is S/. 8.14, which shows viability and profitability.
Comercio electrónico, Artesanías y Loreto, E-commerce, Handicrafts and Loreto
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