Plan de negocio agencia de viajes ¨happy tours¨ en la ciudad de Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente plan de negocios se encuentra en el rubro de servicios y
atención al cliente. La agencia de viajes se dedicará a brindar el servicio de
venta de pasajes aéreos ya sea nacionales e internacionales, o
multidestinos, venta de paquetes turísticos, tours, recepción de hoteles y
un sinfín de acciones que van de la mano con el área de turismo y hotelería.
La investigación del estudio de mercado ha captado diversas
necesidades de los clientes y una demanda insatisfecha por parte de los
que otorgan el servicio al público.
En el aspecto técnico el área donde se desenvolverá los servicios de
atención estará ubicado en una zona céntrica urbana donde el usuario
podrá dirigirse sin ningún inconveniente. El personal está capacitado en
aptitudes y habilidades de asistencia, esto se llevará a cabo ya sea de
atención presencial el cual es el más tradicional, atención telefónica,
atención virtual, atención proactiva y reactiva.
Los resultados económicos y financieros señalan una rentabilidad
económica de 58% y una rentabilidad financiera de 69%. Así mismo un
VAN económico de S/ 92,345 y un VAN financiero S/ 81,790.
This business plan is in the area of services and customer service. The travel agency will be dedicated to providing the service of selling air tickets, whether national and international or multi-destination, sale of tourist packages, tours, hotel recption and endless actions that go hand in hand with the area of tourism and hotelery. Market study research has captured various customer needs and an unsatisfied demand from those who provide the service to the public. In the technical aspect, the area where the attention service will be developed will be located in a central urban area where the user can go without any inconvenience. The staff is trained in skills, this will be carried out either in person, witch is the most traditional, telephone service, virtual service, proactive and reactive care. The economic and financial results indicate an economic return of 58% and a financial return of 69%. Likewise, an economic NPV of S/ 92, 345 and a financial NPV of S/ 81,790.
This business plan is in the area of services and customer service. The travel agency will be dedicated to providing the service of selling air tickets, whether national and international or multi-destination, sale of tourist packages, tours, hotel recption and endless actions that go hand in hand with the area of tourism and hotelery. Market study research has captured various customer needs and an unsatisfied demand from those who provide the service to the public. In the technical aspect, the area where the attention service will be developed will be located in a central urban area where the user can go without any inconvenience. The staff is trained in skills, this will be carried out either in person, witch is the most traditional, telephone service, virtual service, proactive and reactive care. The economic and financial results indicate an economic return of 58% and a financial return of 69%. Likewise, an economic NPV of S/ 92, 345 and a financial NPV of S/ 81,790.
Plan de negocio, Servicios turísticos, Business plan, Marketing, Tourist service
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