Preeclampsia y su relación con el parto pretermino en gestantes del hospital regional de Loreto, 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que la incidencia de preeclampsia es siete veces mayor en los países en desarrollo que los países desarrollados (2.8 y 0.4% de los nacidos vivos respectivamente).
Determinar la relación entre Preeclampsia y parto pretérmino en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto, 2019.
El estudio fue de tipo no experimental, diseño descriptivo, retrospectivo y correlacional; cuya muestra de estudio fueron 134 gestantes con preeclampsia que culminaron en parto pretérmino aplicando un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia.
En las características de las gestantes con Preeclampsia predominaron las edades entre 20 a 35 años, seguido de las convivientes, estudios secundarios, procedencia urbana y las que residieron en el distrito de iquitos; El tipo de Preeclampsia que prevaleció en la muestra de estudio fue la Leve (20.1%), seguido del tipo severo (79.9%); El tipo de parto pretérmino que predomino fue el moderado o tardío y con culminación de la gestación de tipo Vaginal.
No se encontró relación significativa entre el tipo de parto Pretérmino con las características de las gestantes como; edad (0.744), estado civil (0.730), grado de instrucción (0.790) y procedencia (0.076) además del tipo de preeclampsia (0.335) sin embargo en la culminación de parto (0.000) se evidencio una asociación estadísticamente muy significativa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of pre-eclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than in developed countries (2.8 and 0.4% of live births respectively). Objective To determine the relationship between Preeclampsia and preterm delivery in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2019. Methodology The study was of a non-experimental type, descriptive, retrospective and correlational design; whose study sample was 134 pregnant women with pre-eclampsia that culminated in preterm delivery applying a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Results In the characteristics of the pregnant women with Preeclampsia the ages between 20 to 35 years prevailed, followed by the cohabitants, secondary studies, urban origin and those who resided in the district of Iquitos; The type of Preeclampsia that prevailed in the study sample was Mild (20.1%), followed by the severe type (79.9%); The type of preterm delivery that predominated was moderate to late and with the culmination of the vaginal type of pregnancy. Conclusion No significant relationship was found between the type of preterm delivery and the characteristics of pregnant women such as; age (0.744), marital status (0.730), educational level (0.790) and origin (0.076) in addition to the type of pre-eclampsia (0.335), however, at the culmination of labor (0.000) a statistically highly significant association was evidenced.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of pre-eclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than in developed countries (2.8 and 0.4% of live births respectively). Objective To determine the relationship between Preeclampsia and preterm delivery in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2019. Methodology The study was of a non-experimental type, descriptive, retrospective and correlational design; whose study sample was 134 pregnant women with pre-eclampsia that culminated in preterm delivery applying a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Results In the characteristics of the pregnant women with Preeclampsia the ages between 20 to 35 years prevailed, followed by the cohabitants, secondary studies, urban origin and those who resided in the district of Iquitos; The type of Preeclampsia that prevailed in the study sample was Mild (20.1%), followed by the severe type (79.9%); The type of preterm delivery that predominated was moderate to late and with the culmination of the vaginal type of pregnancy. Conclusion No significant relationship was found between the type of preterm delivery and the characteristics of pregnant women such as; age (0.744), marital status (0.730), educational level (0.790) and origin (0.076) in addition to the type of pre-eclampsia (0.335), however, at the culmination of labor (0.000) a statistically highly significant association was evidenced.
Preeclampsia, Parto Pretérmino, Gestante, Preeclampsia, Preterm Delivery, Pregnant
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