Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 de un centro de atención primaria de la ciudad de Iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 de un
centro de atención primaria de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2021
Introducción: El síndrome metabólico es un problema de salud
multifactorial que conlleva a la presencia de diabetes y enfermedad
cardiaca, requiriendo un manejo integral para una mejor calidad de vida.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en pacientes
diabéticos de un centro de atención primaria de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2021.
Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo de diseño observacional, transversal,
retrospectivo, con una muestra de 90 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo,
con historia clínica completa y exámenes de laboratorio actualizados.
Resultados: Se evaluaron 90 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, se encontró una
prevalencia del 54.4% de síndrome metabólico, la prevalencia fue
significativamente mayor en mayores de 50 años de edad (p=0.032), sexo
femenino (66.7%, p=0.029); con presencia de manifestaciones tardías
(75.8%, p=0.002) y diabetes no controlada (70.6%, p=0.016)
Conclusión: Los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 presentan una alta prevalencia
de síndrome metabólico que empobrece su calidad de vida.
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a multifactorial health problem that leads to the presence of diabetes and heart disease, requiring comprehensive management for a better quality of life. Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients in a primary care center in the city of Iquitos, 2021. Methodology: Quantitative study of observational, cross-sectional, retrospective design, with a sample of 90 patients with type diabetes mellitus, with complete clinical history and updated laboratory tests. Results: 90 type 2 diabetic patients were evaluated, a prevalence of 54.4% of metabolic syndrome was found, the prevalence was significantly higher in those older than 50 years of age (p=0.032), female sex (66.7%, p=0.029); with the presence of late manifestations (75.8%, p=0.002) and uncontrolled diabetes (70.6%, p=0.016) Conclusion: Type 2 diabetic patients have a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome that impoverishes their quality of life.
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a multifactorial health problem that leads to the presence of diabetes and heart disease, requiring comprehensive management for a better quality of life. Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients in a primary care center in the city of Iquitos, 2021. Methodology: Quantitative study of observational, cross-sectional, retrospective design, with a sample of 90 patients with type diabetes mellitus, with complete clinical history and updated laboratory tests. Results: 90 type 2 diabetic patients were evaluated, a prevalence of 54.4% of metabolic syndrome was found, the prevalence was significantly higher in those older than 50 years of age (p=0.032), female sex (66.7%, p=0.029); with the presence of late manifestations (75.8%, p=0.002) and uncontrolled diabetes (70.6%, p=0.016) Conclusion: Type 2 diabetic patients have a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome that impoverishes their quality of life.
Síndrome metabólico, diabéticos, Prevalencia, Metabolic syndrome, Diabetics, Prevalence
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