Factores socioculturales que influyen en la inasistencia del esposo a la atención prenatal y psicoprofilaxis obstétrica en el hospital Iquitos César Garayar en mayo del 2011
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El derecho a la diferencia sociocultural enunciada a los derechos humanos, se refiere
a derecho como miembro de una sociedad que crea, comparte y trasmite cultura al mismo tiempo de
tener derecho a conservarla y fortalecerla socialmente.S"" La atención prenatal es el conjunto de
acciones y procedimientos sistemáticos y periódicos realizados durante el embarazo, destinados a la
prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los factores que puedan condicionar morbimortalidad
materna y perinatal?· " La Psicoproflaxis Obstétrica es un método de enseñanza y aprendizaje,
integral y participativo, para lograr eliminar los temores y las actitudes negativas frente al parto. Es
un conocimiento científico con carácter racional. dinámico, verificable y esencialmente útil a la
gestante, al entorno familiary de proyección social; Complementa la atención prenatal.(1-lS)
Objetivos: Determinar los factores socioculturales que influyen en la inasistencia del esposo a la
atención prenatal y Psicoproflaris obstétrica de su pareja en el Hospital Iquitos César Garayar
García en mayo del 2011.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, se tomó como muestra a
gestantes que habían asistido a su atención prenatal y Psicoprofilaxis obstétrica referidas de centros y
puestos de salud sin sus parejas, aplicándoles una encuesta en relación a los factores socioculturales
que puedan determinarla inasistencia del esposo.
Resultados yDiscusión: En el mes de mayo hubo 142 gestantes referidas de centros y puestos de
salud de nuestra localidad. del cual se aplicaron 40 encuestas (28%) encontrándose en las parejas la
mayor frecuencia en: grupo etario: 18 a 29 años (55%); estado civil Conviviente (85%); grado de
instrucción Secundaria (47.5%); ocupación campesino (40%); horario de trabajo de 8 a 12h/dymás
de 12 h/d (45%) cada uno, la religión que más profesan es el católico con (65%). Con respecto a los
aspectos obstétricos de las gestantes atendidas en el Hospital !quitos, podemos concluir: que la
paridad con respecto al hijo que espera es multípara (40%). Con respecto a los resultados sobre la
iniciativa de la pareja para asistir a las atenciones en el hospital (60%) no tiene iniciativa, el (72.5%)
no tiene conocimiento sobre la atención prenatal y Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica, el (67.5%) de las
parejas, no desean asistir en el momento del parto, del cual el (42.5%) refiere que es traumático y el
(25%) refiere por temor a la sangre.
Conclusiones: En esta investigación se encontró que los factores socioculturales si influyen
significativamente en la inasi stencia de los esposos a las APN y Psicoprofilaxis Obstétricas de sus
parejas, predominando la falta de conocimiento sobre APN y Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica en un
(72.5%), 1o que determina que no tengan iniciativa para acompañar a sus parejas en un (60%); ni
asistir al momento del parto (67.5%).
The right to cultural difference embodied in human rights law regards as a member of a society that creates, shares and transmits culture at the same time have the right to keep and strengthen socially. Prenatal care is the set of actions and systematic and regular procedures performed during pregnancy, for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of factors that determine maternal and perinatal morbidity. The obstetrical psycho is a method of teachíng and leaming, integrated and participatory, in order to remove the fars and negativpe attitudes towards chjldbirth. It is a matter of rational scientifc knowledge, dynamic, verifable and essentially useful to pregnant women, family cnvironment and social projection. Prenatal supplements. Objective: To dctennine the sociocultural factors that influences the absence of the husband to antenatal and obstetric psych prophylaris your parner in the Iquitos Hospital Garayar Cesar Garcia in May 2011. Materials and Methods: A prospcctive descriptive study, a sample was taken to pregnant women who attended prenatal care and obstetrical psycho referred from health centers :μid withqut theír partners, applying a survey in rela tion to sociocultural factors tha; may determine the absence of the husband. Results and Discussion: In May there were 142 pregnant women referred to health centers and posts in our town, which was conducted with 40 surveys (28%) ere most frequentdy: age group: 18- 29 years (55%) , common law marriage (85%8) sccondary education level (47.5%), ocupation farmer (40%) working hours from 8 to 12h/dover 12h/ d (45%) each, religion most profess to is the Catholic (65%). With rcgard to obstetric aspects of pregoant womeo at the Iquitos Hospital, we concludcd that the parity with respect to the unbombaby is multiparous (40%). With respect to the results on the initiative of the couple to atteod hospital care (60%) has no initiative, (72.5%) has no knowledge about prenatal care and obstetrical psycho, the (67.5%) of couples do not wish to attend at the time of dclivery, of which (42.5%) reported that it is tr.twnatic (25%) referred for far of blood. Conclusions: Thiresearch found that cultural factors signifi cantly in fl u en whet h er th ab en of husbands to the NPC and its parters obstetrical psycho, prevailing lack of knowledge of NPC and in obstetrical psycho (72.5%), which determines who have no initiative to accompany their partners on a (60%) or attend at delivery (67.5%).
The right to cultural difference embodied in human rights law regards as a member of a society that creates, shares and transmits culture at the same time have the right to keep and strengthen socially. Prenatal care is the set of actions and systematic and regular procedures performed during pregnancy, for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of factors that determine maternal and perinatal morbidity. The obstetrical psycho is a method of teachíng and leaming, integrated and participatory, in order to remove the fars and negativpe attitudes towards chjldbirth. It is a matter of rational scientifc knowledge, dynamic, verifable and essentially useful to pregnant women, family cnvironment and social projection. Prenatal supplements. Objective: To dctennine the sociocultural factors that influences the absence of the husband to antenatal and obstetric psych prophylaris your parner in the Iquitos Hospital Garayar Cesar Garcia in May 2011. Materials and Methods: A prospcctive descriptive study, a sample was taken to pregnant women who attended prenatal care and obstetrical psycho referred from health centers :μid withqut theír partners, applying a survey in rela tion to sociocultural factors tha; may determine the absence of the husband. Results and Discussion: In May there were 142 pregnant women referred to health centers and posts in our town, which was conducted with 40 surveys (28%) ere most frequentdy: age group: 18- 29 years (55%) , common law marriage (85%8) sccondary education level (47.5%), ocupation farmer (40%) working hours from 8 to 12h/dover 12h/ d (45%) each, religion most profess to is the Catholic (65%). With rcgard to obstetric aspects of pregoant womeo at the Iquitos Hospital, we concludcd that the parity with respect to the unbombaby is multiparous (40%). With respect to the results on the initiative of the couple to atteod hospital care (60%) has no initiative, (72.5%) has no knowledge about prenatal care and obstetrical psycho, the (67.5%) of couples do not wish to attend at the time of dclivery, of which (42.5%) reported that it is tr.twnatic (25%) referred for far of blood. Conclusions: Thiresearch found that cultural factors signifi cantly in fl u en whet h er th ab en of husbands to the NPC and its parters obstetrical psycho, prevailing lack of knowledge of NPC and in obstetrical psycho (72.5%), which determines who have no initiative to accompany their partners on a (60%) or attend at delivery (67.5%).
Sociocultura, Prenatal, Sociocultural, Prenatal
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