Conocimientos y actitudes sobre el parto humanizado en los internos del hospital Iquitos César Garayar García 2021
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
Determinar la relación entre el conocimiento y las actitudes sobre el parto
humanizado en los internos del Hospital Iquitos César Garayar García
Estudio de investigación de tipo cuantitativo. Diseño no experimental,
corte transversal, descriptivo correlacional y prospectivo.
La población y muestra conformada por 31 internos.
En las características de los internos se encontró predominio de las
edades de 30 años en promedio, sexo femenino 71%, carrera profesional,
de obstetricia 58.1% y 41.9% de medicina y el 51.6% de los internos
recibieron capacitación sobre parto humanizado. Nivel de conocimiento
alto 64.5%, actitud desfavorable 83.9%. Al relacionar el nivel de
conocimiento y las actitudes sobre parto humanizado, se encontró que no
se relaciona el conocimiento con las actitudes (p= 0,0863)
El Nivel de conocimiento alto de los internos no se relaciona con las
actitudes desfavorables sobre parto humanizado.
To determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes about humanized childbirth in the inmates of the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital 2021. Methodology. Quantitative research study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive correlational and prospective design. The population and sample made up of 31 inmates. Outcome. In the characteristics of the interns, there was a predominance of ages of 30 years on average, 71% female, professional career, 58.1% obstetrics and 41.9% medicine, and 51.6% of the interns received training on humanized childbirth. High level of knowledge 64.5%, unfavorable attitude 83.9%; When relating the level of knowledge and attitudes about humanized childbirth, it was found that knowledge is not related to attitudes (p= 0.0863) Conclusion. The high level of knowledge of the interns is not related to unfavorable attitudes about humanized childbirth.
To determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes about humanized childbirth in the inmates of the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital 2021. Methodology. Quantitative research study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive correlational and prospective design. The population and sample made up of 31 inmates. Outcome. In the characteristics of the interns, there was a predominance of ages of 30 years on average, 71% female, professional career, 58.1% obstetrics and 41.9% medicine, and 51.6% of the interns received training on humanized childbirth. High level of knowledge 64.5%, unfavorable attitude 83.9%; When relating the level of knowledge and attitudes about humanized childbirth, it was found that knowledge is not related to attitudes (p= 0.0863) Conclusion. The high level of knowledge of the interns is not related to unfavorable attitudes about humanized childbirth.
Parto humanizado, Nivel de conocimiento, Actitud, Interno, Actitud frente al parto humanizado, Actitud favorable, Actitud desfavorable, Humanized childbirth, Level of knowledge, Attitude, Intern, Attitude towards humanized childbirth, Favorable attitude, Unfavorable attitude
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