Complejo recreacional ecológico para el colegio de arquitectos del Perú – regional Loreto, san juan bautista, Loreto 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La arquitectura ecológica – sostenible, es una de las tendencias arquitectónicas
más influyentes del mundo en la actualidad(«Arquitectura sostenible» 2019),
marcando factores muy importantes en el comportamiento y la vida cotidiana,
disfrutando de bienestar y salud de las personas que lo visitan, con sus
instalaciones diseñadas con las exigencias locales y parámetros
arquitectónicos, creando espacios confortables con el debido uso de materiales
Los complejos que albergan eventos recreacionales, son un conjunto de
espacios de actividades activas y pasivas, con diferentes atractivos en sus
instalaciones, teniendo como objetivo principal el desarrollo libre de sus
actividades recreacionales, físicas y sociales.
La presente tesis proyectual titulada Complejo Recreacional Ecológico para el
Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú – Regional Loreto, San Juan Bautista, Loreto
2021, busca contribuir con un estudio enmarcada en la Línea de Investigación
de Arquitectura Sostenible.
En dicho complejo recreacional zonas de recreación (activo y pasivo), donde
se brindará también servicios complementarios (salones de eventos,
restaurant, alojamientos) sin dejar de ser amigable con el ambiente y de confort
con el usuario, se encuentra ubicada según el PDU- Iquitos en zona Pre –
Urbana, la propuesta del proyecto se adaptará al entorno y al lugar donde se
localiza con materiales y sistema de construcción típico de la amazonia, con un
clima tropical y se aprovechará las bondades de la naturaleza obteniendo
energía renovable (paneles solares) y la captación del agua (lluvia), donde se
tendrá en cuenta los criterios de una arquitectura ecológica y sostenible.
Ecological - sustainable architecture is one of the most influential architectural trends in the world today ("Sustainable Architecture" 2019), marking very important factors in behavior and daily life, enjoying the well-being and health of the people who visit it, with its facilities designed with local requirements and architectural parameters, creating comfortable spaces with the proper use of sustainable materials. The complexes that host recreational events are a set of spaces for active and passive activities, with different attractions in their facilities, having as their main objective the free development of their recreational, physical and social activities. The present project thesis entitled Ecological Recreational Complex for the College of Architects of Peru - Loreto Regional, San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021, seeks to contribute with a study framed in the Sustainable Architecture Research Line. In said recreational complex recreation areas (active and passive), where complementary services will also be provided (event rooms, restaurant, accommodation) while remaining friendly with the environment and comfort with the user, it is located according to the PDU- Iquitos in a Pre-Urban area, the project proposal will adapt to the environment and the place where it is located with materials and a typical construction system of the Amazon, with a tropical climate and will take advantage of the benefits of nature obtaining renewable energy (solar panels ) and the collection of water (rain), where the criteria of an ecological and sustainable architecture will be taken into account.
Ecological - sustainable architecture is one of the most influential architectural trends in the world today ("Sustainable Architecture" 2019), marking very important factors in behavior and daily life, enjoying the well-being and health of the people who visit it, with its facilities designed with local requirements and architectural parameters, creating comfortable spaces with the proper use of sustainable materials. The complexes that host recreational events are a set of spaces for active and passive activities, with different attractions in their facilities, having as their main objective the free development of their recreational, physical and social activities. The present project thesis entitled Ecological Recreational Complex for the College of Architects of Peru - Loreto Regional, San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021, seeks to contribute with a study framed in the Sustainable Architecture Research Line. In said recreational complex recreation areas (active and passive), where complementary services will also be provided (event rooms, restaurant, accommodation) while remaining friendly with the environment and comfort with the user, it is located according to the PDU- Iquitos in a Pre-Urban area, the project proposal will adapt to the environment and the place where it is located with materials and a typical construction system of the Amazon, with a tropical climate and will take advantage of the benefits of nature obtaining renewable energy (solar panels ) and the collection of water (rain), where the criteria of an ecological and sustainable architecture will be taken into account.
Arquitectura ecológica y sostenible, Materiales Eco- amigable, Complejo recreacional, Ecological and sustainable architecture, Eco-friendly materials, Recreational complex
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