La exclusión del fiscal penal en la investigación conforme al inciso 2 del artículo 54 del código procesal penal Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿El Código Procesal Penal, regula el plazo que se tiene para excluir al fiscal penal en caso este no cumpla con sus funciones o incurra en irregularidades? Y el objetivo fue: Explicar si el Código Procesal Penal, regula el plazo que se tiene para excluir al fiscal penal en caso este no cumpla con sus funciones o incurra en irregularidades. La técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. La población estuvo conformada por el Colegio de Abogados de Loreto, Ministerio Público de Loreto. El diseño que se empleo fue no experimental de tipo transaccional correlacional. Para el análisis estadístico se usó la estadística descriptiva, para el estudio de las variables en forma independiente y para demostración de las hipótesis se usó la prueba paramétrica chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados indicaron que: El Código Procesal Penal, no regula el plazo que se tiene para excluir al fiscal penal en caso este no cumpla con sus funciones o incurra en irregularidades.
The present investigation started from the problem. Does the Code of CriminalProcedure, regulate the term that you have to exclude the criminal prosecutorin case he does not fulfill his functions or incurs in irregularities?. And the objective was: To explain if the Code of Criminal Procedure regulates the termthat has to exclude the criminal prosecutor in case he does not fulfill his functions or incurs in irregularities. The technique used was the survey and theinstrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of the Loreto Bar Association, Loreto Public Ministry. The design used was non-experimental transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used, for the study of the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The Code of Criminal Procedure does not regulate the term to exclude the criminal prosecutor in case he does not fulfill his duties or incurs in irregularities.
The present investigation started from the problem. Does the Code of CriminalProcedure, regulate the term that you have to exclude the criminal prosecutorin case he does not fulfill his functions or incurs in irregularities?. And the objective was: To explain if the Code of Criminal Procedure regulates the termthat has to exclude the criminal prosecutor in case he does not fulfill his functions or incurs in irregularities. The technique used was the survey and theinstrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of the Loreto Bar Association, Loreto Public Ministry. The design used was non-experimental transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used, for the study of the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The Code of Criminal Procedure does not regulate the term to exclude the criminal prosecutor in case he does not fulfill his duties or incurs in irregularities.
Exclusión del fiscal penal, Recusación, Debido proceso, Exclusion of the criminal prosecutor, Recusal, Due process
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