Plan de negocios cubicocos amazónicos, ciudad Iquitos, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación se encuentra en el rubro agroindustria y
tiene por finalidad constituir una empresa, dedicado a la elaboración y
comercialización de cubitos de hielo en base a agua de coco, a través del
servicio delivery en diversas presentaciones. La investigación realizada ha
determinado la existencia de diversas necesidades que se pretende
satisfacer. La demanda de los productos y del servicio delivery presenta una
tendencia creciente, principalmente en el aspecto demográfico. En cuanto al
estudio técnico realizado se ha establecido como fuente de
aprovisionamiento la ciudad de Iquitos. Los procesos determinados para la
empresa pretenden elaborar un producto de calidad que satisfaga las
necesidades de los clientes al punto de superar sus expectativas. La
estructura organizacional es simple, con funciones claras y específicas
adaptada para una micro empresa. Los ratios económicos y financieras
calculados en el presente proyecto determinan la viabilidad y rentabilidad de
la inversión, con un Valor Actual Neto Económico de S/ 341,744, una Tasa
Interna de Retorno Económica del 93% y un Índice Beneficio Costo
Económico de S/ 2.94
The present investigation is in the agroindustry category and its purpose is to establish a company, dedicated to the elaboration and commercialization of ice cubes based on coconut water, through the delivery service in various presentations. The research carried out has determined the existence of various needs that are intended to be satisfied. The demand for products and delivery services shows a growing trend, mainly in terms of demographics. Regarding the technical study carried out, the city of Iquitos has been established as a source of supply. The processes determined for the company aim to develop a quality product that meets the needs of customers to the point of exceeding their expectations. The organizational structure is simple, with clear and specific functions adapted for a micro company. The economic and financial ratios calculated in this project determine the viability and profitability of the investment, with an Economic Net Present Value of S/ 341,744, an Internal Economic Rate of Return of 93% and an Economic Cost Benefit Index of S/ 2.94
The present investigation is in the agroindustry category and its purpose is to establish a company, dedicated to the elaboration and commercialization of ice cubes based on coconut water, through the delivery service in various presentations. The research carried out has determined the existence of various needs that are intended to be satisfied. The demand for products and delivery services shows a growing trend, mainly in terms of demographics. Regarding the technical study carried out, the city of Iquitos has been established as a source of supply. The processes determined for the company aim to develop a quality product that meets the needs of customers to the point of exceeding their expectations. The organizational structure is simple, with clear and specific functions adapted for a micro company. The economic and financial ratios calculated in this project determine the viability and profitability of the investment, with an Economic Net Present Value of S/ 341,744, an Internal Economic Rate of Return of 93% and an Economic Cost Benefit Index of S/ 2.94
Plan de negocio, Cubitos, Coco, Hielo, Business plan, Cubes, Coconut, Ice
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