Fortalecimiento organizacional comunitario en el ámbito de la propuesta del área de conservación regional aguas calientes maquia, provincia Ucayali, departamento Loreto – Perú
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Este documento presenta la experiencia laboral como egresada de la carrera de Ecología de la Universidad Científica del Perú, en la sede descentralizada Iquitos del Centro para el Desarrollo del Indígena Amazónico (CEDIA).
La contribución técnica de la experiencia recoge las acciones implementadas en dos de las cuatro líneas estratégicas del CEDIA para el fortalecimiento organizacional comunitario en el ámbito de la propuesta del Área de Conservación Regional (ACR) Aguas Calientes Maquia, provincia Ucayali, departamento Loreto – Perú. Para ello, el documento parte (Capítulo I) desde el marco conceptual en donde se desarrollan los aspectos generales de la temática para una mejor comprensión del desarrollo de la experiencia profesional.
El Capítulo II desarrolla de manera descriptiva la implementación de las actividades conforme las líneas estratégicas trabajadas, para este caso, la primera línea presenta el proceso del fortalecimiento de capacidades de gestión, manejo de las comunidades y sus organizaciones, el cual permitió identificar brechas, así como elaborar una estrategia de intervención para fortalecer la gobernanza, que incluyó la construcción e implementación de Planes de Vida y Plan Estratégico Institucional respectivamente, desarrollándose diagnósticos y capacitaciones temáticas tanto a nivel comunal y su organización.
En la segunda línea estratégica, sobre el establecimiento y gestión participativa en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de nivel regional, se describe la experiencia de la participación técnica como parte del equipo del CEDIA a la Autoridad Regional Ambiental (ARA) para coadyuvar en el proceso (pasos) del establecimiento del ACR Aguas Calientes Maquia, en donde la activa participación de las comunidades y sus organizaciones son vinculantes.
Es en el Capítulo III en donde de manera analítica se hace una reflexión crítica (lecciones aprendidas) de la contribución como profesional conforme las diferentes experiencias adquiridas fuera de las aulas universitarias, contribuyendo inicialmente desde el ámbito de la gestión forestal, continuando con el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la planificación participativa y de manera puntual respecto al tema objeto del informe.
Finalmente, el documento describe las conclusiones y reflexiones resaltantes, de manera que puedan servir como referente de manera propositiva a otros profesionales que se dediquen a la construcción y fortalecimiento de la gobernanza territorial en nuestra Amazonia peruana.
This document presents the work experience as a graduate of the Ecology career of the Scientific University of Peru, in the decentralized Iquitos branch of the Center for the Development of the Amazonian Indigenous (CEDIA). The technical contribution of the experience gathers the actions implemented in two of the four strategic lines of CEDIA for the community organizational strengthening in the scope of the proposed Regional Conservation Area (RCA) Aguas Calientes Maquia, Ucayali province, Loreto department - Peru. For this, the document starts (Chapter I) from the conceptual framework where the general aspects of the subject are developed for a better understanding of the development of the professional experience. Chapter II develops in a descriptive way the implementation of the activities according to the strategic lines worked, for this case, the first line presents the process of strengthening management capacities, management of communities and their organizations, which allowed identifying gaps, as well as developing an intervention strategy to strengthen governance, which included the construction and implementation of Life Plans and Institutional Strategic Plan respectively, developing diagnoses and thematic training both at the community level and its organization. In the second strategic line, on the establishment and participatory management of Natural Protected Areas at the regional level, the experience of technical participation as part of the CEDIA team to the Regional Environmental Authority (ARA) is described to assist in the process (steps) of establishing the RCA Aguas Calientes Maquia, where the active participation of the communities and their organizations are binding. Chapter III contains a critical reflection (lessons learned) of the contribution as a professional according to the different experiences acquired outside the university classrooms, contributing initially from the field of forest management, continuing with the strengthening of capacities for participatory planning and specifically with respect to the subject matter of the report. Finally, the document describes the conclusions and outstanding reflections, so that they can serve as a reference in a propositive way to other professionals who are dedicated to the construction and strengthening of territorial governance in our Peruvian Amazon.
This document presents the work experience as a graduate of the Ecology career of the Scientific University of Peru, in the decentralized Iquitos branch of the Center for the Development of the Amazonian Indigenous (CEDIA). The technical contribution of the experience gathers the actions implemented in two of the four strategic lines of CEDIA for the community organizational strengthening in the scope of the proposed Regional Conservation Area (RCA) Aguas Calientes Maquia, Ucayali province, Loreto department - Peru. For this, the document starts (Chapter I) from the conceptual framework where the general aspects of the subject are developed for a better understanding of the development of the professional experience. Chapter II develops in a descriptive way the implementation of the activities according to the strategic lines worked, for this case, the first line presents the process of strengthening management capacities, management of communities and their organizations, which allowed identifying gaps, as well as developing an intervention strategy to strengthen governance, which included the construction and implementation of Life Plans and Institutional Strategic Plan respectively, developing diagnoses and thematic training both at the community level and its organization. In the second strategic line, on the establishment and participatory management of Natural Protected Areas at the regional level, the experience of technical participation as part of the CEDIA team to the Regional Environmental Authority (ARA) is described to assist in the process (steps) of establishing the RCA Aguas Calientes Maquia, where the active participation of the communities and their organizations are binding. Chapter III contains a critical reflection (lessons learned) of the contribution as a professional according to the different experiences acquired outside the university classrooms, contributing initially from the field of forest management, continuing with the strengthening of capacities for participatory planning and specifically with respect to the subject matter of the report. Finally, the document describes the conclusions and outstanding reflections, so that they can serve as a reference in a propositive way to other professionals who are dedicated to the construction and strengthening of territorial governance in our Peruvian Amazon.
Fortalecimiento, Comunidades, ACR, Planes de vida, Ordenamiento territorial, Strengthening, Communities, ACR, Life plans, Territorial planning
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