Factores predisponentes de preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto, enero-marzo 2016
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La preeclampsia es un trastorno hipertensivo inducido por el embarazo que se manifiesta clínicamente después de las 20 semanas de gestación. Sin embargo, la causa sigue desconocida y se asocia a problemas de salud materna – perinatal importantes; la preeclampsia constituye un problema de salud pública porque incide en las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad materna perinatal a nivel mundial oscila entre 2 y 10% de los embarazos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que la incidencia de preeclampsia es siete veces mayor en los países en desarrollo que los países desarrollados (2.8 y 0.4% de los nacidos vivos respectivamente).
Objetivo: Determinar los factores predisponentes de la Preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el hospital Regional de Loreto, enero - marzo 2016.
Metodología: El presente estudio fue del tipo cuantitativo de diseño descriptivo, retrospectivo y correlacional, los casos estuvieron constituido por gestantes que tuvieron preeclampsia y que fueron atendidas en el Servicio de Gineco- obstetricia Resultados: la mayor parte de las gestantes que correspondieron al estudio es de 21-30 años 49%, con estudios secundarios el 75%, lugar de residencia urbana en su mayoría con un 71%; 44% con gestantes que tuvieron igual o menor 6 controles prenatales y no encontrándose relación significativa entre los antecedentes maternos y familiares patológicos, según la paridad el estudio obtuvo que la mayoría fueron multíparas con un 51%, la mayoría termino su parto con cesárea 95%.
Conclusiones: El reconocimiento de los factores predisponentes de la preeclampsia contribuye de una forma directa para detectar y clasificar a las pacientes de riesgo que, en conjunto con los controles prenatales óptimos, la valoración de la curva de la hipertensión arterial y en especial en el último trimestre de gestación permitirán detectar la enfermedad precozmente, y así evitar grandes complicaciones en el binomio madre hijo.
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder induced by pregnancy that manifests clinically after 20 weeks of gestation. However, the cause remains unknown and is associated with important maternal-perinatal health problems; Preeclampsia is a public health problem because it affects perinatal maternal morbidity and mortality rates worldwide ranging from 2 to 10% of pregnancies. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of preeclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than developed countries (2.8 and 0.4% of live births respectively) Objective: To decide the predisposing factors of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, January - March 2016. Methodology: The present study was of the quantitative type of descriptive, retrospective and correlational design, the cases were constituted by pregnant women who had preeclampsia and who were attended in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Results: most of the pregnant women who corresponded to the study were from 21-30 years 49%, with secondary education 75%, place of urban residence mostly with 71%; 44% with pregnant women who had the same or lower 6 prenatal checkups and no significant relationship between the maternal and pathological family history, according to the parity the study found that the majority were multiparous with 51%, most of them finished their delivery with cesarean section 95%. Conclusions: The recognition of the factors predisponentes of the preeclampsia contributes in a direct way to detect and to classify the patients of risk that, together with the good prenatal controls, the valuation of the curve of the arterial hypertension and especially in the last gestation trimester they will allow to detect the illness precociously, and this way to avoid big complications in the binomial mother son.
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder induced by pregnancy that manifests clinically after 20 weeks of gestation. However, the cause remains unknown and is associated with important maternal-perinatal health problems; Preeclampsia is a public health problem because it affects perinatal maternal morbidity and mortality rates worldwide ranging from 2 to 10% of pregnancies. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of preeclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries than developed countries (2.8 and 0.4% of live births respectively) Objective: To decide the predisposing factors of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, January - March 2016. Methodology: The present study was of the quantitative type of descriptive, retrospective and correlational design, the cases were constituted by pregnant women who had preeclampsia and who were attended in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Results: most of the pregnant women who corresponded to the study were from 21-30 years 49%, with secondary education 75%, place of urban residence mostly with 71%; 44% with pregnant women who had the same or lower 6 prenatal checkups and no significant relationship between the maternal and pathological family history, according to the parity the study found that the majority were multiparous with 51%, most of them finished their delivery with cesarean section 95%. Conclusions: The recognition of the factors predisponentes of the preeclampsia contributes in a direct way to detect and to classify the patients of risk that, together with the good prenatal controls, the valuation of the curve of the arterial hypertension and especially in the last gestation trimester they will allow to detect the illness precociously, and this way to avoid big complications in the binomial mother son.
Preeclampsia, Salud pública, Incidencia, Factores de riesgo, Preeclampsia, Health Publishes, Incidence, Factors of Risk
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