Plan de negocio hotel canino, ciudad de Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de constituir una
empresa que se dedicará a brindar servicio de alojamiento para mascotas
domésticas de todo tipo. Se contará con servicio diario, el servicio contará
con alojamiento, alimentación y recreación, se atenderá con preferencia a
los segmentos de los niveles socio-económicos A,B y C.
El mercado a atender es la ciudad de Iquitos, como fuente de
aprovisionamiento de los bienes y servicios. Los procesos son cortos y
eficientes a nivel interno y con atención a los clientes.
La estructura organización es simple, con funciones claras e
integradas, se otorgará todos los beneficios a los colaboradores. La
empresa será una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada.
El estudio económico financiero indica un Valor actual neto
económico (VAN) de S/. 341,280 y un Valor actual neto financiero de S/.
294,742. La Tasa interna de retorno económica (TIR) es de 166% y la Tasa
interna de retorno financiera es de 262%. El índice beneficio costo
económico es de S/.7.13 y el índice beneficio costo financiero es de
S/.12.49, cifras positivas que no hacen más que demostrar la viabilidad del
This research was carried out with the purpose of establishing a company that will be dedicated to providing accommodation services for domestic pets of all kinds. There will be daily service, the service will include accommodation, food and recreation, with preference being given to the segments of the socio-economic levels A, B and C. The market to be served is the city of Iquitos, as a source of supply for goods and services. The processes are short and efficient internally and with attention to customers. The organizational structure is simple, with clear and integrated functions, all the benefits will be granted to the collaborators. The company will be a limited liability company. The financial economic study indicates an economic net present value (NPV) of S /. 341,280 and a Net Financial Present Value of S /. 294.742. The internal economic rate of return (IRR) is 166% and the internal financial rate of return is 262%. The economic cost benefit index is S / .7.13 and the financial cost benefit index is S / .12.49, positive figures that only demonstrate the viability of the project.
This research was carried out with the purpose of establishing a company that will be dedicated to providing accommodation services for domestic pets of all kinds. There will be daily service, the service will include accommodation, food and recreation, with preference being given to the segments of the socio-economic levels A, B and C. The market to be served is the city of Iquitos, as a source of supply for goods and services. The processes are short and efficient internally and with attention to customers. The organizational structure is simple, with clear and integrated functions, all the benefits will be granted to the collaborators. The company will be a limited liability company. The financial economic study indicates an economic net present value (NPV) of S /. 341,280 and a Net Financial Present Value of S /. 294.742. The internal economic rate of return (IRR) is 166% and the internal financial rate of return is 262%. The economic cost benefit index is S / .7.13 and the financial cost benefit index is S / .12.49, positive figures that only demonstrate the viability of the project.
Plan de negocio, Mascotas, Canes, Hotel, Servicio por día, Business plan, Pets, Dogs, Hotel, Service per day
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