Rendimiento académico en las clases virtuales de alumnos de clínicas integrales y endodoncia. Programa de estomatología, Universidad Científica del Perú. 2020 - 2021
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
Objetivo: Evaluar el rendimiento académico en las Clases Virtuales de los
Estudiantes de las Clínicas Integrales y de Endodoncia del Programa de
Estomatología de la Universidad Científica del Perú 2020-2021.
Metodología: el estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo; de diseño no
experimental, descriptivo, correlacional, prospectivo y de cohorte
transversal. Población: 445; muestra: 206 alumnos. Resultados: En el
presente trabajo de investigación predomino el sexo femenino (61,7%);
las encuestas al décimo ciclo académico (29,6%); dedicación exclusiva a
clases virtuales de 3 horas (34,5%); uso de laptop (54,4%); plataforma
Zoom (74,2%). Se encontró relación estadística significativa entre las
variables rendimiento académico y sexo de los estudiantes (X2c=2,847;
gl=1; p_valor= 0,92 > α=0,005). No se encontró relación estadística
significativa entre las variables rendimiento académico y ciclo de estudios
de los estudiantes (X2c=8,401; gl=5; p_valor= 0,135 > α=0,005),
rendimiento académico y tiempo dedicado a clases virtuales de los
estudiantes (X2c=3,364; gl=3; p_valor= 0,339 > α=0,005). rendimiento
académico y el tipo de plataforma virtual usado por el docente (X2c=1,815;
gl=2; p_valor= 0,405 > α=0,005). Se encontró relación estadística
significativa entre las variables rendimiento académico y tipo de
dispositivo usado en clases virtuales (X2c=9,683; gl=4; p_valor= 0,046 <
α=0,005). Conclusiones: se encontró relación estadística significativa
entre las variables rendimiento académico y sexo de los estudiantes
(X2c=2,847; gl=1; p_valor= 0,92 > α=0,005) y rendimiento académico y
tipo de dispositivo usado en clases virtuales (X2c=9,683; gl=4; p_valor=
0,046 < α=0,005).
To evaluate the academic performance in the Virtual Classes of the students of the Integral and Endodontics Clinics of the Stomatology Program of the Scientific University of Peru 2020-2021. Methodology: the study was quantitative; non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional cohort design. Population: 445; sample: 206 students. Results: In the present research work, female sex predominated (61.7%); surveys at the tenth academic cycle (29.6%); exclusive dedication to virtual classes of 3 hours (34.5%); use of laptop (54.4%); Zoom platform (74.2%). A significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and sex of the students (X2c=2.847; gl=1; p_value= 0.92 > α=0.005). No significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and students' study cycle (X2c=8.401; gl=5; p_value= 0.135 > α=0.005), academic performance and time spent in students' virtual classes (X2c=3.364; gl=3; p_value= 0.339 > α=0.005). academic performance and the type of virtual platform used by the teacher (X2c=1.815; gl=2; p_value= 0.405 > α=0.005). A significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and type of device used in virtual classes (X2c=9.683; gl=4; p_value= 0.046 < α=0.005). Conclusions: a significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and students' sex (X2c=2.847; gl=1; p_value= 0.92 > α=0.005) and academic performance and type of device used in virtual classes (X2c=9.683; gl=4; p_value= 0.046 < α=0.005).
To evaluate the academic performance in the Virtual Classes of the students of the Integral and Endodontics Clinics of the Stomatology Program of the Scientific University of Peru 2020-2021. Methodology: the study was quantitative; non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional cohort design. Population: 445; sample: 206 students. Results: In the present research work, female sex predominated (61.7%); surveys at the tenth academic cycle (29.6%); exclusive dedication to virtual classes of 3 hours (34.5%); use of laptop (54.4%); Zoom platform (74.2%). A significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and sex of the students (X2c=2.847; gl=1; p_value= 0.92 > α=0.005). No significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and students' study cycle (X2c=8.401; gl=5; p_value= 0.135 > α=0.005), academic performance and time spent in students' virtual classes (X2c=3.364; gl=3; p_value= 0.339 > α=0.005). academic performance and the type of virtual platform used by the teacher (X2c=1.815; gl=2; p_value= 0.405 > α=0.005). A significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and type of device used in virtual classes (X2c=9.683; gl=4; p_value= 0.046 < α=0.005). Conclusions: a significant statistical relationship was found between the variables academic performance and students' sex (X2c=2.847; gl=1; p_value= 0.92 > α=0.005) and academic performance and type of device used in virtual classes (X2c=9.683; gl=4; p_value= 0.046 < α=0.005).
Rendimiento Académico, Clases virtuales, estudiantes clínicas integrales, endodoncia, Academic performance, Virtual classes, comprehensive clinical students
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