Factores relacionados a la adherencia al tratamiento en adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, atendidos en la Ipress Cardozo, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Determinar la relación de los factores sociodemograficos y de
la enfermedad con la adherencia al tratamiento para la Diabetes Mellitus
Tipo 2 en pacientes atendidos en la IPRESS I-3 Cardozo,2020.
Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo y correlacional,
integrado por una muestra de 60 sujetos, de agosto a diciembre, 2020.
La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta, instrumento utilizado el cuestionario.
Test Morisky Green Levine. Resultados: En los factores
sociodemograficos 33,3% se encuentra entre 55 a 64 años, sexo
femenino 68,3%, ocupación independiente 51%, conviviente y casados
43%, el 50% obtuvo nivel de estudios primarios, en la variable período de
enfermedad menor de 5 años 46,7%, tiempo de tratamiento menor de 5
años 51%, medicamento de mayor rotación la metformina 51%.
Conclusiones: no son adherentes al tratamiento 51,7% de los pacientes,
y finalmente los medicamentos empleados en el tratamiento han
demostrado adherencia p= 0,0389.
Objective: To determine the relationship between sociodemographic and disease factors with adherence to treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in patients treated at IPRESS I-3 Cardozo, 2021. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational study, composed of a sample of 60 subjects, from January to June, 2021. The technique used was the survey, the instrument used the questionnaire. Morisky Green Levine Test. Results: In sociodemographic factors 33.3% are between 55 to 64 years old, female sex 68.3%, independent occupation 51%, living together and married 43%, 50% obtained a level of primary education, in the variable period of disease under 5 years 46.7%, treatment time under 5 years 51%, drug with the highest turnover, metformin 51%. Conclusions: 51.7% of the patients are not adherent to the treatment, and finally the drugs used in the treatment have shown adherence p = 0.0389.
Objective: To determine the relationship between sociodemographic and disease factors with adherence to treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in patients treated at IPRESS I-3 Cardozo, 2021. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational study, composed of a sample of 60 subjects, from January to June, 2021. The technique used was the survey, the instrument used the questionnaire. Morisky Green Levine Test. Results: In sociodemographic factors 33.3% are between 55 to 64 years old, female sex 68.3%, independent occupation 51%, living together and married 43%, 50% obtained a level of primary education, in the variable period of disease under 5 years 46.7%, treatment time under 5 years 51%, drug with the highest turnover, metformin 51%. Conclusions: 51.7% of the patients are not adherent to the treatment, and finally the drugs used in the treatment have shown adherence p = 0.0389.
factores sociodemográficos, factores relacionados con la enfermedad, adherente, Sociodemographic factors, Disease-related factors, Adherent
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