Plan de negocio de feria de comida típica “el encanto de yadijaira” en la ciudad de Iquitos
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente proyecto se encuentra en el rubro de alimentos y prestación
de servicios, esto a través del alquiler de stands para la venta de comida típica
de la región amazónica. Su ubicación será en la 2da cuadra del jirón Napo, frente
a la Plaza de Armas de la ciudad de Iquitos.
El estudio del mercado, manifiesta que no existe en la ciudad ningún
negocio que se dedique a la misma actividad que nuestro proyecto, lo que hace
que las expectativas de éxito sean auspiciosas.
En cuanto al plan de operaciones y de recursos humanos es bastante
simple; nos basamos a un proceso de atención al cliente con altos estándares
de calidad de servicio, apoyados en nuestros colaboradores de seguridad y
mantenimiento; quienes garantizaran el normal desarrollo de las actividades.
El plan económico y financiero, han sido proyectados para los tres años
siguientes, los mismos que dan resultados favorables al éxito de nuestro
negocio: Se tiene un VAN económico de S/. 52,502.00, VAN financiero de
S/.64,066.00 y TIR económico del 123 % con TIR financiero del 453 % y la
relación Beneficio Costo (B/C) igual a 3.26, que indica que por cada sol invertido
se recuperará la inversión más 3 con 26/100 soles de utilidad.
This project is in the field of food and the provision of services, this through the rental of stands for the sale of food typical of the Amazon region. Its location will be in the 2nd block of the Napo street, in front of the Plaza de Armas of the Iquitos city. The study of the market, evident that there is no business in the city that is dedicated to the same activity as our project, which makes the expectations of success auspicious As for the operations and human resources plan, it is quite simple; we rely on a customer service process with high quality of service controls, supported by our security and maintenance partners; who guarantee the normal development of activities. The economic and financial plan have been projected for the following three years, the same that give favorable results to the success of our business: It has an economic NPV of S /. 52,502.00, financial NPV of S / .64,066.00 and economic IRR of 123% with financial IRR of 453%.
This project is in the field of food and the provision of services, this through the rental of stands for the sale of food typical of the Amazon region. Its location will be in the 2nd block of the Napo street, in front of the Plaza de Armas of the Iquitos city. The study of the market, evident that there is no business in the city that is dedicated to the same activity as our project, which makes the expectations of success auspicious As for the operations and human resources plan, it is quite simple; we rely on a customer service process with high quality of service controls, supported by our security and maintenance partners; who guarantee the normal development of activities. The economic and financial plan have been projected for the following three years, the same that give favorable results to the success of our business: It has an economic NPV of S /. 52,502.00, financial NPV of S / .64,066.00 and economic IRR of 123% with financial IRR of 453%.
Plan de negocios, Turismo, Gastronomía, Iquitos, Feria, Business plan, Tourism, Gastronomy, Iquitos, Food fair
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