Método anticonceptivo de elección en puérperas atendidas en el hospital Iquitos Cesar Garayar García, enero a marzo 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar el método anticonceptivo de elección en las puérperas
atendidas en el Hospital Iquitos César Garayar García de enero a marzo
Estudio de investigación de tipo no experimental. El diseño de
investigación descriptivo, corte transversal y retrospectivo.
La población conformada por 810 puérperas. La muestra estuvo
conformada 200 puérperas.
En las características sociodemográficas se observa predominio de las
edades, entre 20 a 35 años en un 67.0%, el 70.0% tienen nivel
secundario, 97.5% son convivientes y el 76.0% son de procedencia
urbana. En las características obstétricas se observa que el 70 % de las
puérperas que eligen por un método anticonceptivo son multíparas en un
70.0%, el 50.5% tienen menos de 6 atenciones prenatales y el 65.5%
tuvieron parto vaginal. El método de elección de las puérperas es el
inyectable (Depoprovera) en un 49.5%, seguido del método de barrera en
un 23.5% y de estos el más frecuente son los preservativos con 23% y
finalmente el 18.5% elige la ligadura de trompas. Al relacionar las
características sociodemográficas y el método anticonceptivo, se encontró
relación estadísticamente significativa con la edad y el grado de
instrucción con valores de P=0.0000 y P=0.0001 respectivamente. Así
mismo se encuentra relación significativa con la paridad con u valor de
P=0.0472 y la vía de parto con P=0.0000.
Conclusión. Las puérperas si optan por elegir por un método
Determine the contraceptive method of choice in puerperal women treated at the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital from January to March 2021. Methodology. Non-experimental research study. Descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective research design. The population made up of 810 puerperal women. The sample consisted of 200 puerperal women. Outcome. In the sociodemographic characteristics, a predominance of ages is observed, between 20 to 35 years in 67.0%, 70.0% have secondary education, 97.5% are cohabiting and 76.0% are of urban origin. In the obstetric characteristics, it is observed that 70% of the puerperal women who choose contraceptive methods are multiparous in 70.0%, 50.5% have less than 6 prenatal care and 65.5% had vaginal delivery. The method of choice for puerperal women is the injectable (Depoprovera) in 49.5%, followed by the barrier method in 23.5% and of these the most frequent are condoms with 23% and finally 18.5% choose tubal ligation. When relating the sociodemographic characteristics and the contraceptive method, a statistically significant relationship was found with age and the degree of education with values of P = 0.0000 and P = 0.0001 respectively. Likewise, there is a significant relationship with parity with a value of P = 0.0472 and the delivery route with P = 0.0000. Conclusion Postpartum women do choose to choose a contraceptive method.
Determine the contraceptive method of choice in puerperal women treated at the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital from January to March 2021. Methodology. Non-experimental research study. Descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective research design. The population made up of 810 puerperal women. The sample consisted of 200 puerperal women. Outcome. In the sociodemographic characteristics, a predominance of ages is observed, between 20 to 35 years in 67.0%, 70.0% have secondary education, 97.5% are cohabiting and 76.0% are of urban origin. In the obstetric characteristics, it is observed that 70% of the puerperal women who choose contraceptive methods are multiparous in 70.0%, 50.5% have less than 6 prenatal care and 65.5% had vaginal delivery. The method of choice for puerperal women is the injectable (Depoprovera) in 49.5%, followed by the barrier method in 23.5% and of these the most frequent are condoms with 23% and finally 18.5% choose tubal ligation. When relating the sociodemographic characteristics and the contraceptive method, a statistically significant relationship was found with age and the degree of education with values of P = 0.0000 and P = 0.0001 respectively. Likewise, there is a significant relationship with parity with a value of P = 0.0472 and the delivery route with P = 0.0000. Conclusion Postpartum women do choose to choose a contraceptive method.
Elección, Métodos anticonceptivos, Puérpera, Choice, Contraceptive methods, Puerperal
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