Factores sociodemográficos relacionado con la satisfacción de las personas atendidas por enfermería de hospitalización en una clínica, Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo del estudio determinó la asociación de los factores
sociodemográficos con la satisfacción en las personas atendidas por
enfermería de hospitalización en una clínica, Iquitos 2023. Mediante la
metodología cuantitativa, descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo,
correlacional con 200 adultos. A quienes se aplicó una encuesta mediante
un cuestionario de características sociodemográficas y la escala
SERVQUAL. Encontrándose los siguientes resultados: el 53,0% tiene 26 a
59 años de edad; el 51,5% de sexo masculino; el 45,5% soltero; el 80%
procede de la zona urbana; el 42,5% con secundaria; el 35,0% trabajador
independiente; el 63,5% es católica; el 32,5% con seguro privado; el 80,0%
es paciente; el 78,0% usuario nuevo; el 78,5% recibió atención inmediata;
el 50,5% manifestó satisfacción con la atención de enfermería y al
relacionar las variables se encontró relación con el sexo(p=0.005),
procedencia(p= 0.011), religión(p=0.001), condición de usuario(p=0.004),
tipo de usuario(p=0.005). Se concluye que si hay asociación de los factores
sociodemográficos con la satisfacción de los adultos cuidados por
enfermería de hospitalización en una clínica de Iquitos en el año 2023.
The objective of the study determined the association of sociodemographic factors with satisfaction in people treated by hospitalization nursing in a clinic, Iquitos 2023. Through quantitative, descriptive, transversal, prospective, correlational methodology with 200 adults. To whom a survey was applied using a sociodemographic characteristics questionnaire and the SERVQUAL scale. The following results were found: 53.0% are between 26 and 59 years old; 51.5% male; 45.5% single; 80% come from the urban area; 42.5% with secondary school; 35.0% self-employed; 63.5% are Catholic; 32.5% with private insurance; 80.0% are patients; 78.0% new user; 78.5% received immediate attention; 50.5% expressed satisfaction with nursing care and when relating the variables, a relationship was found with sex (p = 0.005), origin (p = 0.011), religion (p = 0.001), user status (p = 0.004 ), type of user (p=0.005). It is concluded that there is an association of sociodemographic factors with the satisfaction of adults cared for by inpatient nursing in a clinic in Iquitos in the year 2023.
The objective of the study determined the association of sociodemographic factors with satisfaction in people treated by hospitalization nursing in a clinic, Iquitos 2023. Through quantitative, descriptive, transversal, prospective, correlational methodology with 200 adults. To whom a survey was applied using a sociodemographic characteristics questionnaire and the SERVQUAL scale. The following results were found: 53.0% are between 26 and 59 years old; 51.5% male; 45.5% single; 80% come from the urban area; 42.5% with secondary school; 35.0% self-employed; 63.5% are Catholic; 32.5% with private insurance; 80.0% are patients; 78.0% new user; 78.5% received immediate attention; 50.5% expressed satisfaction with nursing care and when relating the variables, a relationship was found with sex (p = 0.005), origin (p = 0.011), religion (p = 0.001), user status (p = 0.004 ), type of user (p=0.005). It is concluded that there is an association of sociodemographic factors with the satisfaction of adults cared for by inpatient nursing in a clinic in Iquitos in the year 2023.
Características sociodemográficos, Satisfacción, Cuidado enfermero, Sociodemographic characteristics, Satisfaction, Nursing care
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