Comportamiento del consumidor y decisión de compra de zapatos para damas en el distrito de Iquitos periodo, 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como el objetivo determinar la relación entre el comportamiento de compra de las consumidoras con la toma de decisiones en el mercado de zapatos para mujeres en el distrito de Iquitos durante el periodo, 2024. La investigación, clasifico como una investigación de naturaleza descriptiva y exploratoria y diseño no experimental. La población Consistió en 200 consumidores de las tiendas seleccionadas de la ciudad de Iquitos, los cuales fueron seleccionados por conveniencia, la muestra fue igual a la población por ser pequeña y fácil de procesar, a quienes aplico encuesta. Los resultados se distribuyeron en las dos variables del estudio, con respecto a la primera variable comportamiento del consumidor con tres dimensiones determinaron los promedios, en la toma de cisiones la tendencia promedio fue 4.14 respecto a la tercera pregunta y 3.81; con respecto a la segunda pregunta, para las otras dos preguntas resultaron a bajo de la línea de tendencia con 3.53 y 3.76; respectivamente, indicador calidad de producto los promedios más altos fue la pregunta tres con 4.30 y pregunta uno con 4.25; respecto a la segunda variable decisión de compra, índice consumidor especialmente dama tuvo un promedio alto en la pregunta cuatro sobre el buen trato, índice utilización de canales de venta de mayor utilización, 4.31; indico que en el mercado de la ciudad existe el servicio delivery, respecto al índice utilización de otros canales con promedio de 2.78; en respuesta a que si se están implementando plataformas para facilitar las compras y acumular puntos de canje.
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the purchasing behavior of female consumers and decision making in the women's shoe market in the Iquitos district during the period 2024. The research was classified as a descriptive and exploratory research and nonexperimental design. The population consisted of 200 consumers from the selected stores in the city of Iquitos, who were selected by convenience, the sample was equal to the population because it was small and easy to process, to whom a survey was applied. The results were distributed in the two variables of the study, with respect to the first variable consumer behavior with three dimensions determined the averages, in decision making the average trend was 4.14 with respect to the third question and 3.81; Regarding the second question, for the other two questions they were below the trend line with 3.53 and 3.76; respectively, product quality indicator the highest averages were question three with 4.30 and question one with 4.25; Regarding the second variable, purchase decision, the consumer index, especially for women, had a high average in question four about good treatment, the index for the use of the most used sales channels, 4.31; indicated that there is a delivery service in the city market, regarding the index for the use of other channels, with an average of 2.78; in response to the question of whether platforms are being implemented to facilitate purchases and accumulate exchange points.
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the purchasing behavior of female consumers and decision making in the women's shoe market in the Iquitos district during the period 2024. The research was classified as a descriptive and exploratory research and nonexperimental design. The population consisted of 200 consumers from the selected stores in the city of Iquitos, who were selected by convenience, the sample was equal to the population because it was small and easy to process, to whom a survey was applied. The results were distributed in the two variables of the study, with respect to the first variable consumer behavior with three dimensions determined the averages, in decision making the average trend was 4.14 with respect to the third question and 3.81; Regarding the second question, for the other two questions they were below the trend line with 3.53 and 3.76; respectively, product quality indicator the highest averages were question three with 4.30 and question one with 4.25; Regarding the second variable, purchase decision, the consumer index, especially for women, had a high average in question four about good treatment, the index for the use of the most used sales channels, 4.31; indicated that there is a delivery service in the city market, regarding the index for the use of other channels, with an average of 2.78; in response to the question of whether platforms are being implemented to facilitate purchases and accumulate exchange points.
venta adicional, omnicanal, comportamiento, Upselling, Omnichannel, Behavior
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