Factores sociodemograficos relacionado a la adherencia de los momentos de higiene de manos en enfermeria del hospital regional de Loreto 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Fue determinar los factores sociodemográficos relacionado a la adherencia de los cinco momentos de higiene de manos en enfermería del Hospital Regional de Loreto-2023. Metodología: El estudio fue cuantitativo, descriptivo, de correlación, prospectivo y corte transversal con una muestra de 183 personal de enfermería. Se realizó mediante la técnica de la encuesta con el instrumento guía de entrevista (datos sociodemográficos) y un formulario de observación (adherencia a la higiene de manos). Resultados: Entre los factores sociodemográficos de enfermería se encontró que el 52,5% son de 35-41 años, edad promedio de 34,57 años; el 62,3% tienen un tiempo de servicio entre 2-5 años, el tiempo de servicio promedio de 5,26 años; el 65,6% atienden entre 17-22 pacientes en su turno, siendo el número de pacientes promedio que atienden en su turno de 17,58; el 75,4% son del sexo femenino; el 56,3% tienen el grado de instrucción de técnico en enfermería, el 85,8% su condición laboral es CAS; el 33,9% laboran actualmente en el servicio de pediatría; el 47,0% atienden pacientes de 1° grado de dependencia; el 79,8% presentaron no adherencia de los momentos de la higiene de manos; al relacionar las variables se encontró que los factores sociodemográficos edad, tiempo de servicio, condición laboral fue mayor a α = 0,05 y entre los factores sociodemográficos números de pacientes que atiendo por turno, sexo, grado de instrucción, servicio donde labora actualmente y tipo de paciente que atiende según grado de dependencia fue menor a α = 0,05. Conclusión: Existe relación entre los factores sociodemográficos y la adherencia de los cinco momentos de higiene de manos en enfermería del Hospital Regional de Loreto 2023.
Objective: It was to determine the sociodemographic factors related to the adherence of the five moments of hand hygiene in nursing of the Regional Hospital of Loreto-2023. Methodology: The study was quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional with a sample of 183 nursing staff. It was carried out using the survey technique with the interview guide instrument (sociodemographic data) and an observation form (adherence to hand hygiene). Results: Among the nursing sociodemographic factors, it was found that 52.5% are 35-41 years old, average age 34.57 years; 62.3% have a service time between 2-5 years, the average service time of 5.26 years; 65.6% attend between 17-22 patients in their shift, with the average number of patients seen in their shift being 17.58; 75.4% are female; 56.3% have the degree of nursing technician instruction, 85.8% their employment status is CAS; 33.9% currently work in the pediatric service; 47.0% attend patients of 1st degree of dependency; 79.8% presented non-adherence to the moments of hand hygiene; When relating the variables, it was found that the sociodemographic factors age, length of service, and employment status were greater than α = 0.05 and among the sociodemographic factors, the number of patients I see per shift, sex, level of education, service where he currently works, and type of patient that attends according to degree of dependency was less than α = 0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between sociodemographic factors and adherence to the five moments of hand hygiene in nursing at the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023.
Objective: It was to determine the sociodemographic factors related to the adherence of the five moments of hand hygiene in nursing of the Regional Hospital of Loreto-2023. Methodology: The study was quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional with a sample of 183 nursing staff. It was carried out using the survey technique with the interview guide instrument (sociodemographic data) and an observation form (adherence to hand hygiene). Results: Among the nursing sociodemographic factors, it was found that 52.5% are 35-41 years old, average age 34.57 years; 62.3% have a service time between 2-5 years, the average service time of 5.26 years; 65.6% attend between 17-22 patients in their shift, with the average number of patients seen in their shift being 17.58; 75.4% are female; 56.3% have the degree of nursing technician instruction, 85.8% their employment status is CAS; 33.9% currently work in the pediatric service; 47.0% attend patients of 1st degree of dependency; 79.8% presented non-adherence to the moments of hand hygiene; When relating the variables, it was found that the sociodemographic factors age, length of service, and employment status were greater than α = 0.05 and among the sociodemographic factors, the number of patients I see per shift, sex, level of education, service where he currently works, and type of patient that attends according to degree of dependency was less than α = 0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between sociodemographic factors and adherence to the five moments of hand hygiene in nursing at the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023.
Factores sociodemográficos, Adherencia, Higiene de manos, Enfermería, Sociodemographic factors, Adherence, Hand hygiene, Nursing
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