Propuesta de implementación de un laboratorio de redes y comunicaciones, para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes del programa académico de ingeniería de sistemas de la UCP para el año 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Las empresas basan gran parte de su operación en el uso de las tecnologías y los
sistemas de información, actualmente la demanda de profesionales con conocimiento
en estas especialidades cada vez es mayor, el mercado se ha vuelto más competitivo y
exigente, es por ello la preocupación que existe en formar profesionales capaces de
salir al mercado con todas las habilidades para el desarrollo pleno de sus conocimientos
adquiridos en la universidad; desde primaria las instituciones educativas dictan cursos
de computación u ofimática ya que cuentan con un laboratorio de informática, el cual
antes era una novedad permitiendo tener ventaja competitiva, sin embargo hoy en día
forma parte de un requerimiento técnico mínimo de la comunicación, siendo necesario
su implementación con equipos modernos y accesible a todos.
Debido a esta nueva forma de comunicación, se ha visto la necesidad de realizar la
“Propuesta de implementación de un Laboratorio de Redes y Comunicaciones” para
mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes del Programa académico de Ingeniería de
Sistemas de información de la UNIVERSIDAD CIENTIFICA DEL PERU, con la finalidad
de fortalecer el desarrollo de sus competencias y habilidades a través de talleres y
cursos teórico-práctico que simulen los procesos reales de las empresas en el mercado
Para la realización del presente trabajo se ha hecho un análisis general de acuerdo a la
cantidad de estudiantes matriculados en los tres últimos semestres de la universidad,
que en coordinación con el asesor tiene como marco conceptual el uso de metodología
propia, compuesta por tres fases importantes: Análisis de la problemática, Desarrollo
del diseño lógico y Desarrollo de diseño físico del laboratorio de redes y
comunicaciones. Además de realizar un presupuesto de equipos, materiales y
herramientas con costos reales y actualizados del mercado, considerando el reciclaje
de equipos en desuso de los laboratorios u oficinas administrativas de la universidad
que sirvan para prácticas en el desarrollo de otros cursos del programa académico.
La propuesta de implementación de un laboratorio de redes y comunicaciones
contemplan el cumplimiento de los estándares expedidos por la TIA/EIA como son el
TIA/EIA 568B, TIA/EIA 569B, TIA/EIA 606A y TIA/EIA 607 relacionados con las
especificaciones e instalación de sistemas de cableado estructurado.
Companies base much of their operation on the use of technologies and information systems, currently the demand for professionals with knowledge in these specialties is growing, the market has become more competitive and demanding, that is why the concern that exists in training professionals capable of going out to the market with all the skills for the full development of their knowledge acquired in the university; From primary school educational institutions teach computer or office automation courses since they have a computer lab, which was previously a novelty allowing competitive advantage, however nowadays it is part of a minimum technical requirement of communication, being necessary its implementation with modern equipment and accessible to all. Due to this new form of communication, we have seen the need to carry out the “Proposal for the implementation of a Network and Communications Laboratory” to improve the learning of the students of the Academic Program of Information Systems Engineering of the scientific university of Peru, in order to strengthen the development of their skills and abilities through workshops and theoretical-practical courses that simulate the real processes of companies in the labor market. For the realization of this work, a general analysis has been made according to the number of students enrolled in the last three semesters of the university, which in coordination with the advisor has as its conceptual framework the use of own methodology, composed of three important faces: Analysis of the problem, Development of logical design and Development of physical design of the network and communications laboratory. In addition to making a budget of equipment, materials and tools with real and updated market costs, considering the recycling of disused equipment of laboratories or administrative offices of the university that serve for practices in the development of other courses of the academic program. The proposed implementation of a network and communications laboratory includes compliance with the standards issued by the TIA / EIA such as the TIA / EIA 568B, TIA / EIA 569B, TIA / EIA 606A and TIA / EIA 607 related to the specifications and installation of structured cabling systems.
Companies base much of their operation on the use of technologies and information systems, currently the demand for professionals with knowledge in these specialties is growing, the market has become more competitive and demanding, that is why the concern that exists in training professionals capable of going out to the market with all the skills for the full development of their knowledge acquired in the university; From primary school educational institutions teach computer or office automation courses since they have a computer lab, which was previously a novelty allowing competitive advantage, however nowadays it is part of a minimum technical requirement of communication, being necessary its implementation with modern equipment and accessible to all. Due to this new form of communication, we have seen the need to carry out the “Proposal for the implementation of a Network and Communications Laboratory” to improve the learning of the students of the Academic Program of Information Systems Engineering of the scientific university of Peru, in order to strengthen the development of their skills and abilities through workshops and theoretical-practical courses that simulate the real processes of companies in the labor market. For the realization of this work, a general analysis has been made according to the number of students enrolled in the last three semesters of the university, which in coordination with the advisor has as its conceptual framework the use of own methodology, composed of three important faces: Analysis of the problem, Development of logical design and Development of physical design of the network and communications laboratory. In addition to making a budget of equipment, materials and tools with real and updated market costs, considering the recycling of disused equipment of laboratories or administrative offices of the university that serve for practices in the development of other courses of the academic program. The proposed implementation of a network and communications laboratory includes compliance with the standards issued by the TIA / EIA such as the TIA / EIA 568B, TIA / EIA 569B, TIA / EIA 606A and TIA / EIA 607 related to the specifications and installation of structured cabling systems.
Uso de las tecnologías, Use of technologies, Laboratorio de Redes, Network Laboratory
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