Factores asociados a la desnutrición en niños de 6 a 36 meses de la Ipres Quistococha – 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio se enfoca en el estado nutricional de niños
entre 6 y 36 meses de edad que son atendidos durante el año 2022 en
la IPRESS Quistococha, departamento de Loreto, provincia de Maynas,
Distrito de San Juan Bautista. La investigación muestra que el 4,6% de
los niños padecen de cuadros de desnutrición aguda severa, el 14,5%
presentan desnutrición aguda moderada, el 28,9% presentan
desnutrición aguda leve, el 38,1% presentan estado nutricional normal,
el 9,2% presentan sobrepeso y el 4,6% presentan obesidad. Además,
se encontró que el 43,4% de las madres perciben ingresos inferiores a
los S/. 950.00 mensuales y el 24,3% de las madres con ingresos
menores a S/. 950.00 tienen niños de 6 a 36 meses con algún grado de
El estudio también destaca que el 10,5% de las madres
entrevistadas son adolescentes, el 9,2% son madres solteras y el 12,5%
son convivientes. Además, el 15,8% de las entrevistadas son madres
con 3 hijos y el 12,5% corresponden a madres cuya ocupación es la de
ama de casa. En cuanto al nivel educativo de las madres, el 40,8% tiene
un nivel educativo de secundaria, mientras que el 11,2% cumple con el
calendario de vacunación y control por el programa de CREDE y el
50,7% cumple con la lactancia materna de 6 a más meses.
Se encontró una asociación significativa (p=0.000208) entre el bajo
nivel de ingresos económicos familiares y algún grado de desnutrición en
niños de 6 a 36 meses, así como entre la falta de cumplimiento del
calendario de vacunación y control por el programa de CREDE y la
lactancia materna de menos de 6 meses con algún grado de desnutrición.
The present study focuses on the nutritional status of children between 6 and 36 months of age who are attended during the year 2022 in the IPRESS Quistococha, department of Loreto, province of Maynas, District of San Juan Bautista. The research shows that 4.6% of the children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, 14.5% have moderate acute malnutrition, 28.9% have mild acute malnutrition, 38.1% have normal nutritional status, 9.2% are overweight and 4.6% are obese. In addition, it was found that 43.4% of mothers earn less than S/. 950.00 per month and 24.3% of mothers with incomes below S/. 950.00 have children from 6 to 36 months with some degree of malnutrition. The study also highlights that 10.5% of the mothers interviewed are adolescents, 9.2% are single mothers and 12.5% are cohabitating. In addition, 15.8% of the mothers interviewed are mothers with 3 children and 12.5% are mothers whose occupation is that of housewife. Regarding the educational level of the mothers, 40.8% have a high school level of education, while 11.2% comply with the vaccination schedule and control by the CREDE program and 50.7% comply with breastfeeding from 6 to more months. A significant association (p=0.000208) was found between the low level of family income and some degree of malnutrition in children aged 6 to 36 months, as well as between the lack of compliance with the vaccination schedule and control by the CREDE program and breastfeeding of less than 6 months with some degree of malnutrition.
The present study focuses on the nutritional status of children between 6 and 36 months of age who are attended during the year 2022 in the IPRESS Quistococha, department of Loreto, province of Maynas, District of San Juan Bautista. The research shows that 4.6% of the children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, 14.5% have moderate acute malnutrition, 28.9% have mild acute malnutrition, 38.1% have normal nutritional status, 9.2% are overweight and 4.6% are obese. In addition, it was found that 43.4% of mothers earn less than S/. 950.00 per month and 24.3% of mothers with incomes below S/. 950.00 have children from 6 to 36 months with some degree of malnutrition. The study also highlights that 10.5% of the mothers interviewed are adolescents, 9.2% are single mothers and 12.5% are cohabitating. In addition, 15.8% of the mothers interviewed are mothers with 3 children and 12.5% are mothers whose occupation is that of housewife. Regarding the educational level of the mothers, 40.8% have a high school level of education, while 11.2% comply with the vaccination schedule and control by the CREDE program and 50.7% comply with breastfeeding from 6 to more months. A significant association (p=0.000208) was found between the low level of family income and some degree of malnutrition in children aged 6 to 36 months, as well as between the lack of compliance with the vaccination schedule and control by the CREDE program and breastfeeding of less than 6 months with some degree of malnutrition.
Desnutrición, Madres adolescentes, Niños, Lactancia, Factores, Malnutrition, Adolescent mothers, Children, Breastfeeding, Factors
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