Factores asociados a anemia en niños menores de 3 años atendidos en el P.S. Masusa - Punchana, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: la anemia es una de las patologías más frecuentes a
nivel mundial; debido al gran impacto negativo e irreversible en el
desarrollo neuronal de los niños, afecta el aprendizaje y las
puntuaciones en las pruebas de desarrollo intelectual y motor en los
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la presencia de anemia
en niños menores de 3 años atendidos en el P.S. Masusa - Punchana,
Material y métodos: Es un estudio no experimental, cuantitativo, de
diseño descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal y correlacional; la muestra
estuvo conformada por 60 niños de 0 a 36 meses de edad. Se utilizó 2
instrumentos: El cuestionario y la ficha de recolección de datos, los
mismos que fueron validados.
Resultados: Sus principales resultados fueron: Del 100% de niños con
anemia, el 73,3% presentan anemia leve, 18,3% anemia moderada y
8.3% anemia severa y tienen edades entre 12 a 36 meses (88,3%)
(p=0,011), de acuerdo a su progenitora el 71.7% tienen una edad de
18 a 35 años, el 70.0% grado de instrucción secundaria, 75.0% de
ocupación ama de casa, el 45.0% tienen 1 hijo y el 56.7% tienen un
ingreso mensual menor o igual a 300 soles. Así mismo todas las
madres durante la gestación tuvieron anemia leve, moderada y
severa; la anemia mayormente se presenta en niños que recibieron
LME hasta los 3 meses y 4 a 5 meses de edad (p=0.006); a
veces consumieron alimentos de origen animal ricos en hierro
(p=0.000), el 65% no tomaron micronutrientes dentro de su
alimentación (p=0.019), y no fueron desparasitados 23.3% (p=0.046).
Conclusión: Se concluye que los factores asociados a características
socios demográficos, maternos y protectores como edad del niño,
edad de la madre, anemia de la madre durante la gestación,
alimentación con LME, frecuencia en consumo de alimentos ricos en
hierro, no consumo de micronutrientes y no desparasitación, se
asocian a la anemia en niños menores de 3 años.
Introduction: anemia is one of the most frequent pathologies worldwide; Due to the great negative and irreversible impact on the neural development of children, it affects learning and scores on tests of intellectual and motor development in children. Objective: To determine the factors associated with the presence of anemia in children under 3 years of age treated at the P.S. Masusa - Punchana, 2020. Material and methods: The study was quantitative, with a descriptive, cross- sectional and correlational design; the sample consisted of 50 children from 0 to 36 months of age. Two instruments were used: the questionnaire and the data collection sheet, which were validated. Results: Their main results were: Of the 100% of children with anemia, 73.3% have mild anemia, 18.3% moderate anemia and 8.3% severe anemia and are between 12 and 36 months old (88.3%) (p = 0.011), according to their mother, 71.7% have an age of 18 to 35 years, 70.0% have a secondary education level, 75.0% are housewives, 45.0% have 1 child and 56.7% have a monthly income less than or equal to 300 soles. Likewise, all mothers during pregnancy had mild, moderate and severe anemia; anemia mostly occurs in children who received EBF up to 3 months and 4 to 5 months of age (p = 0.006); sometimes they consumed foods of animal origin rich in iron (p = 0.000), 65% did not take micronutrients in their diet (p = 0.019), and 23.3% (p = 0.046) were not dewormed. Conclusions: It is concluded that the factors associated with sociodemographic, maternal and protective characteristics such as age of the child, age of the mother, anemia of the mother during pregnancy, feeding with SCI, frequency of consumption of foods rich in iron, not consumption of micronutrients and not deworming are associated with anemia in children under 3 years of age
Introduction: anemia is one of the most frequent pathologies worldwide; Due to the great negative and irreversible impact on the neural development of children, it affects learning and scores on tests of intellectual and motor development in children. Objective: To determine the factors associated with the presence of anemia in children under 3 years of age treated at the P.S. Masusa - Punchana, 2020. Material and methods: The study was quantitative, with a descriptive, cross- sectional and correlational design; the sample consisted of 50 children from 0 to 36 months of age. Two instruments were used: the questionnaire and the data collection sheet, which were validated. Results: Their main results were: Of the 100% of children with anemia, 73.3% have mild anemia, 18.3% moderate anemia and 8.3% severe anemia and are between 12 and 36 months old (88.3%) (p = 0.011), according to their mother, 71.7% have an age of 18 to 35 years, 70.0% have a secondary education level, 75.0% are housewives, 45.0% have 1 child and 56.7% have a monthly income less than or equal to 300 soles. Likewise, all mothers during pregnancy had mild, moderate and severe anemia; anemia mostly occurs in children who received EBF up to 3 months and 4 to 5 months of age (p = 0.006); sometimes they consumed foods of animal origin rich in iron (p = 0.000), 65% did not take micronutrients in their diet (p = 0.019), and 23.3% (p = 0.046) were not dewormed. Conclusions: It is concluded that the factors associated with sociodemographic, maternal and protective characteristics such as age of the child, age of the mother, anemia of the mother during pregnancy, feeding with SCI, frequency of consumption of foods rich in iron, not consumption of micronutrients and not deworming are associated with anemia in children under 3 years of age
Anemia en niños, factores asociados, anemia en menores de 3 años, Anemia in children, Associated factors, Anemia in children under 3 years of age
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