Diagnósticos de enfermería en pacientes con politraumatismo hospitalizados en emergencia
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Antecedentes: Los registros de enfermería se han convertido en un elemento importante de la visibilidad del cuidado de enfermería, sin embargo, son escasos los estudios de esta índole.
Objetivo: Determinar los diagnósticos de enfermería y su asociación con algunas variables en pacientes con politraumatismo hospitalizados en emergencia de un hospital público.
Material y métodos: Se empleó el método cuantitativo, diseño, descriptivo, prospectivo, correlacional. La muestra conformada por 105 pacientes hospitalizados con politraumatismo, a quienes se aplicó un cuestionario de factores sociodemográficos y clínicos y una lista de cotejo “Diagnósticos de enfermería de los pacientes con politraumatismo” (Alpha de Cronbach 0,94). Los datos se procesaron en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 23.
La mayoría de los participantes fueron adultos jóvenes, varones, solteros, con estudios secundarios y trabajo independiente. El tiempo de estancia fue entre 01 a 06 horas. La causa más frecuente del politraumatismo fueron los accidentes de tránsito, predominó el politraumatismo leve y casi la mitad presentó trauma del miembro superior. De 13 dominios de la NANDA (2018- 2020), se identificaron 12 diagnósticos de enfermería reales que corresponden a seis dominios; siendo los más afectados el dominio Confort (97,1% “Dolor Agudo”), seguido del dominio Afrontamiento/tolerancia al estrés (89,5% “Ansiedad”), dominio Actividad/reposo (58% “Deterioro de la movilidad física”). Respecto a los diagnósticos de enfermería potenciales, se encontró que el domino Seguridad/protección, estuvo más afectado (“Riesgo de Infección”, “Riesgo de disfunción neurovascular periférica”). El nivel de conciencia mostro correlación con 09 diagnósticos de enfermería reales, destacándose que esta fue directa y fuerte con el diagnóstico ansiedad (r=0,609). la frecuencia cardiaca y la saturación de oxígeno mostraron asociación con ocho diagnósticos observándose mayor fuerza de asociación con el diagnostico “disminución del gasto cardiaco” (r=0,701) y asociación inversa con el “déficit de volumen de líquidos” (r=-0,566).
Background: Nursing registries have become an important element in the visibility of nursing care; however, studies of this nature are scarce. Objective: to determine the nursing diagnoses and their association with some variables in patients with admitted at the public hospital. Material and methods: design, descriptive, prospective, correlational the sample consisted of 105 patients hospitalized with polytrauma, whom was applied a questionnaire of sociodemographic and clinical factors and checklist "Nursing diagnoses of patients with multiple trauma" (Alpha de Cronbach 0.94). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 23. Results: The majority of the participants were young adults, males, single, with secondary education and independent work. The time of stay was between 01 a 06 o'clock. The most frequent cause of polytrauma was traffic accidents, the slight polytraumatism predominated and almost half presented trauma of the upper limb. Of 13 NANDA domains (2018-2020), 12 real nursing diagnoses were identified that correspond to six domains; being the most affected Comfort domain (97.1% "Acute Pain"), followed by the domain Coping / tolerance to stress (89.5% "Anxiety"), Activity / rest domain (58% "Deterioration of physical mobility" ). Regarding the potential nursing diagnoses, it was found that the Safety / protection domain was more affected ("Risk of Infection", "Risk of peripheral neurovascular dysfunction"). The level of awareness showed correlation with 09 actual nursing diagnoses, highlighting that this was direct and strong with the anxiety diagnosis (r = 0.609). the heart rate and oxygen saturation showed an association with eight diagnoses, showing greater strength of association with the diagnosis "decrease in cardiac output" (r = 0.701) and inverse association with the "fluid volume deficit" (r = -0.566).
Background: Nursing registries have become an important element in the visibility of nursing care; however, studies of this nature are scarce. Objective: to determine the nursing diagnoses and their association with some variables in patients with admitted at the public hospital. Material and methods: design, descriptive, prospective, correlational the sample consisted of 105 patients hospitalized with polytrauma, whom was applied a questionnaire of sociodemographic and clinical factors and checklist "Nursing diagnoses of patients with multiple trauma" (Alpha de Cronbach 0.94). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 23. Results: The majority of the participants were young adults, males, single, with secondary education and independent work. The time of stay was between 01 a 06 o'clock. The most frequent cause of polytrauma was traffic accidents, the slight polytraumatism predominated and almost half presented trauma of the upper limb. Of 13 NANDA domains (2018-2020), 12 real nursing diagnoses were identified that correspond to six domains; being the most affected Comfort domain (97.1% "Acute Pain"), followed by the domain Coping / tolerance to stress (89.5% "Anxiety"), Activity / rest domain (58% "Deterioration of physical mobility" ). Regarding the potential nursing diagnoses, it was found that the Safety / protection domain was more affected ("Risk of Infection", "Risk of peripheral neurovascular dysfunction"). The level of awareness showed correlation with 09 actual nursing diagnoses, highlighting that this was direct and strong with the anxiety diagnosis (r = 0.609). the heart rate and oxygen saturation showed an association with eight diagnoses, showing greater strength of association with the diagnosis "decrease in cardiac output" (r = 0.701) and inverse association with the "fluid volume deficit" (r = -0.566).
Politraumatismo, Nursing diagnosis, Polytrauma, Diagnostico de enfermería
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