Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de la planta de captación de agua potable de Iquitos, ante el proceso de inundación utilizando técnica fotogramétrica con drone, 2020.
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la vulnerabilidad por el proceso
Inundación en la zona de captación de agua potable de la Ciudad de Iquitos
utilizando la fotogrametría con Drone para proponer alternativas de mitigación
ante el peligro socioambiental y económico de la Ciudad.
En la problemática nos centramos en responder las siguientes interrogantes;
¿Se puede determinar el límite de Inundación utilizando técnica
Fotogramétrica con Drone? ¿Cuál es el área crítica ante el proceso de
Inundación? y ¿Cuál es el grado de vulnerabilidad ambiental? Para contestar
las preguntas planteadas la metodología de la investigación fue de tipo no
experimental y el diseño es descriptivo. Asimismo, se realizó revisiones
bibliográficas, trabajo en campo, colectar datos y finalmente el procesaron de
daros en diferentes softwares.
Como resultado la matriz de vulnerabilidad muestra en primer lugar,
vulnerabilidad por procesos de Inundación en grado Muy alto (rojo) con un
área de 10 354 m2
, de igual modo se encontró zonas con vulnerabilidad en
categoría Alto (naranja) con un área de 8 276 m2
. Finalmente, en la evaluación
de encontró vulnerabilidad de categoría Medio (amarillo) con un área de 1 731
m2 y con vulnerabilidad en categoría Bajo(verde) ubicado en terraza alta un
área de 3,889 m2.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the vulnerability due to the Flood process in the drinking water catchment area of the city of Iquitos using Drone, showing the photogrammetry with Drone to propose mitigation alternatives in the face of the socio-environmental and economic danger of the city. In the problem, we focus on answering the following questions; Can the flood limit be determined using Photogrammetric technique with Drone? What is the critical area before the flood process? and What is the degree of environmental vulnerability? To answer the questions posed, the research methodology was experimental and the design is descriptive. Likewise, bibliographic reviews, fieldwork, data collection and finally data processing in different software were carried out. As a result, the vulnerability matrix shows, in the first place, vulnerability due to flooding processes in a Very high degree (red) with an area of 10 354 m2 , in the same way, areas with vulnerability were found in Alto (orange) with an area of 8 276 m2 . Finally, in the vulnerability assessment of the Medium category (yellow) with an area of 1731 m2 and with vulnerability in the Low category (green) located on the upper terrace, an area of 3,889 m2.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the vulnerability due to the Flood process in the drinking water catchment area of the city of Iquitos using Drone, showing the photogrammetry with Drone to propose mitigation alternatives in the face of the socio-environmental and economic danger of the city. In the problem, we focus on answering the following questions; Can the flood limit be determined using Photogrammetric technique with Drone? What is the critical area before the flood process? and What is the degree of environmental vulnerability? To answer the questions posed, the research methodology was experimental and the design is descriptive. Likewise, bibliographic reviews, fieldwork, data collection and finally data processing in different software were carried out. As a result, the vulnerability matrix shows, in the first place, vulnerability due to flooding processes in a Very high degree (red) with an area of 10 354 m2 , in the same way, areas with vulnerability were found in Alto (orange) with an area of 8 276 m2 . Finally, in the vulnerability assessment of the Medium category (yellow) with an area of 1731 m2 and with vulnerability in the Low category (green) located on the upper terrace, an area of 3,889 m2.
Vulnerabilidad, planta de captación, Inundación, Drone, Vulnerability, Catchment plant, Flood, Drone
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