Percepción del cambio climático en la adopción de comportamientos sostenibles con participantes del Cetpro “Iquitos”, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Se buscó: Verificar el efecto de la percepción del cambio climático en la adopción de comportamientos sostenibles con participantes del CETPRO “Iquitos”, 2023.
El diseño Experimental Pre-Test (previo) y Post-Test (posterior) con un solo grupo de 30 estudiantes matriculados en el CETPRO "Iquitos" del distrito de Iquitos durante el año 2023 como población y muestra se utilizó una encuesta/cuestionario, tabulada utilizando el software estadístico SPSS 27, sobre una base de datos.
En cuanto a las variables de Percepción del Cambio Climático y Adopción de Comportamientos Sostenibles antes y después, se encontró un valor de significancia bilateral de 0.001, siendo este valor menor que 0.005 de significancia. Se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa. El valor p es 0.001, a un nivel de significancia del 0.05. La Tobs y la tc son respectivamente -5.310 y 2.002 mostrando diferencia significativa entre las dos condiciones emparejadas, y que la media de las diferencias es negativa, lo que implica una disminución en las variables de Percepción del Cambio Climático y Adopción de Comportamientos Sostenibles después del tratamiento o intervención.
The objective was: To verify the effect of the perception of climate change on the adoption of sustainable behaviors with participants of the CETPRO "Iquitos", 2023. We sought: To verify the effect of the perception of climate change on the adoption of sustainable behaviors with participants of the CETPRO "Iquitos", 2023. The Experimental Pre-Test (pre-test) and Post-Test (post-test) design with a single group of 30 students enrolled in the CETPRO "Iquitos" of the district of Iquitos during the year 2023 as population and sample was used a survey/questionnaire, tabulated using the statistical software SPSS 27, on a database. Regarding the variables of Perception of Climate Change and Adoption of Sustainable Behaviors before and after, a bilateral significance value of 0.001 was found, being this value less than 0.005 of significance. The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The p-value is 0.001, at the 0.05 level of significance. The Tobs and tc are respectively -5.310 and 2.002 showing significant difference between the two matched conditions, and that the mean of the differences is negative, implying a decrease in the variables of Perception of Climate Change and Adoption of Sustainable Behaviors after the treatment or intervention.
The objective was: To verify the effect of the perception of climate change on the adoption of sustainable behaviors with participants of the CETPRO "Iquitos", 2023. We sought: To verify the effect of the perception of climate change on the adoption of sustainable behaviors with participants of the CETPRO "Iquitos", 2023. The Experimental Pre-Test (pre-test) and Post-Test (post-test) design with a single group of 30 students enrolled in the CETPRO "Iquitos" of the district of Iquitos during the year 2023 as population and sample was used a survey/questionnaire, tabulated using the statistical software SPSS 27, on a database. Regarding the variables of Perception of Climate Change and Adoption of Sustainable Behaviors before and after, a bilateral significance value of 0.001 was found, being this value less than 0.005 of significance. The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The p-value is 0.001, at the 0.05 level of significance. The Tobs and tc are respectively -5.310 and 2.002 showing significant difference between the two matched conditions, and that the mean of the differences is negative, implying a decrease in the variables of Perception of Climate Change and Adoption of Sustainable Behaviors after the treatment or intervention.
Percepción Del Cambio Climático, Adopción de Comportamientos Sostenibles, Climate change perception, Adoption of sustainable behaviors
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