Percepción de los agricultores sobre el cambio climático y su impacto en la actividad agrícola en comunidades del río marañón. año 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El estudio de investigación titulada “Percepción de los agricultores sobre el
cambio climático y su impacto en la actividad agrícola en comunidades del río
Marañón". Año 2021, tuvo como objetivo determinar la percepción de los
agricultores sobre el cambio climático y su impacto en la actividad agrícola en
comunidades del río Marañón.
El trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en dos comunidades de la cuenca del
Marañón, la comunidad de Hipólito Unanue y la comunidad nativa de Payorote,
perteneciente a la Etnia Kukana Kukamiria. La muestra objeto de investigación
fueron 39 agricultores.
La metodología empleada fue la investigación de tipo descriptivo explicativo, no
experimental ya que nos permitió responder cual es la percepción de los
agricultores sobre el cambio climático y su impacto en la agricultura tradicional
de las dos comunidades del río Marañón, distrito de Nauta, provincia de Loreto.
Entre los resultados más relevantes se puede mencionar que a la pregunta si
cree que el clima ha venido cambiando, como lo muestra el resultado la totalidad
de encuestados (100% de ambas comunidades), tiene la percepción que si ha
venido cambiado el clima.
A la pregunta que tipos de cambios a percibido, en la comunidad de Hipólito
Unanue en relación a la temperatura, 26 de los encuestados (96.30%) menciona
que aumentó la temperatura; y 1 encuestado (3.70%) menciona que no ha
cambiado. En la CN Payorote 11 de los encuestados (92%) mencionó que
aumento la temperatura; y 1 encuestado (8%) menciona que no ha cambiado.
En la comunidad de Hipólito Unanue en referencia a la precipitación, 16
encuestados (59.25%) mencionó que aumentó; 5 encuestados (18.50%)
disminuyó; y 6 encuestados (22.25%) menciona que no ha cambiado. En la CN
Payorote 9 encuestados (75%) manifiesta que aumentó la precipitación; y 3 de
los encuetados (25%) manifiesta que disminuyó.
he research study entitled "Farmers' perception of climate change and its impact on agricultural activity in communities of the Marañón River". 2021, aimed to determine the farmers' perception of climate change and its impact on agricultural activity. agriculture in communities of the Marañón River. The research work was carried out in two communities of the Marañón basin, the community of Hipólito Unanue and the native community of Payorote, belonging to the Kukana Kukamiria ethnic group. The sample under investigation was 39 farmers. The methodology used was explanatory descriptive research, not experimental, since it allowed us to answer what is the perception of farmers about climate change and its impact on traditional agriculture in the two communities of the Marañón River, Nauta district, province of Loreto. Among the most relevant results, it can be mentioned that when asked if they believe that the climate has been changing, as the result shows, all the respondents (100% of both communities) have the perception that the climate has been changing. When asked what types of changes have been perceived in the community of Hipólito Unanue in relation to temperature, 26 of the respondents (96.30%) mention that the temperature increased; and 1 respondent (3.70%) mentions that it has not changed. In the Payorote NPP, 11 of the respondents (92%) mentioned that the temperature increased; and 1 respondent (8%) mentions that it has not changed. In the community of Hipólito Unanue, reference to precipitation, 16 respondents (59.25%) mentioned that it increased; 5 respondents (18.50%) decreased; and 6 respondents (22.25%) mention that it has not changed. In the CN Payorote, 9 respondents (75%) stated that precipitation increased; and 3 of those surveyed (25%) state that it decreased.
he research study entitled "Farmers' perception of climate change and its impact on agricultural activity in communities of the Marañón River". 2021, aimed to determine the farmers' perception of climate change and its impact on agricultural activity. agriculture in communities of the Marañón River. The research work was carried out in two communities of the Marañón basin, the community of Hipólito Unanue and the native community of Payorote, belonging to the Kukana Kukamiria ethnic group. The sample under investigation was 39 farmers. The methodology used was explanatory descriptive research, not experimental, since it allowed us to answer what is the perception of farmers about climate change and its impact on traditional agriculture in the two communities of the Marañón River, Nauta district, province of Loreto. Among the most relevant results, it can be mentioned that when asked if they believe that the climate has been changing, as the result shows, all the respondents (100% of both communities) have the perception that the climate has been changing. When asked what types of changes have been perceived in the community of Hipólito Unanue in relation to temperature, 26 of the respondents (96.30%) mention that the temperature increased; and 1 respondent (3.70%) mentions that it has not changed. In the Payorote NPP, 11 of the respondents (92%) mentioned that the temperature increased; and 1 respondent (8%) mentions that it has not changed. In the community of Hipólito Unanue, reference to precipitation, 16 respondents (59.25%) mentioned that it increased; 5 respondents (18.50%) decreased; and 6 respondents (22.25%) mention that it has not changed. In the CN Payorote, 9 respondents (75%) stated that precipitation increased; and 3 of those surveyed (25%) state that it decreased.
Cambio climático, Percepción, Comunidad, Climate change, Perception, Community
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