Esquema de ordenamiento urbano del pueblo Francisco de Orellana - Distrito de las Amazonas - Río Napo 2018-2028
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente tesis de investigación busca contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los habitantes del Pueblo de Francisco de Orellana - Distrito de Las Amazonas, Provincia de Maynas, Departamento de Loreto, teniendo como Objetivo General elaborar el Esquema de Ordenamiento Urbano del Pueblo de Francisco de Orellana, a fin de que constituya en el instrumento de gestión y promoción de su desarrollo al 2028, enmarcado dentro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible al año 2030.
La falta de ordenamiento territorial y de planificación urbana generó en el centro poblado su crecimiento informal e improvisado, reflejado en el déficit de equipamiento e infraestructura de servicios básicos, falta de control urbano, asentamientos en zonas vulnerables y la falta de oportunidades económicas para su población.
La metodología aplicada fue la propuesta en el Manual para la Elaboración de Planes de Desarrollo Urbano - Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, aprobado con D.S. N° 022-2016 VIVIENDA. Mucha de la información se construyó con datos de campo por la falta o escaza información oficial, información de campo que se obtuvo por la colaboración de las autoridades y funcionarios de la Municipalidad Distrital de Las Amazonas, pobladores, estudiantes y niños de la localidad.
El informe final se divide en dos partes; la primera contiene el Diagnóstico y la segunda contiene la Propuesta del Esquema de Ordenamiento Urbano y el Reglamento del mismo. Propuesta que recoge las condiciones naturales de su emplazamiento, su condición de pueblo amazónico, los cambios morfológicos de los ríos que la circundan, el Objetivo 11 de los ODS sobre ciudades y comunidades sostenibles, promueve el fortalecimiento económico de su población y su articulación territorial con la carretera Bellavista - Mazán.
The present thesis of research by contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the village of Francisco de Orellana-District of the Amazonas, province of Maynas, State of Loreto, having as general objective the elaboration of the ordering scheme Urban of the town of Francisco de Orellana, so that it constitutes in the instrument of management and promotion of its development framed of the objectives of sustainable development to the year 2028. The lack of land management and urban planning has generated in the populated center its informal and improvised growth, reflected in the shortage of equipment and infrastructure of basic services, lack of urban control, settlements in areas And the lack of economic opportunities for their population. The methodology applied was the proposal in the Handbook for the elaboration of plans for urban Development-Ministry of Housing, Construction and sanitation, approved with R.D. N 011-2015 housing. Much of the information was built with field data for lack or insufficient official information, field information that was obtained by the collaboration of the authorities and officials of the district municipality of the Amazons, residents, students and children of the Locality. We have divided the final report into two parts; The first contains the diagnosis and the second contains the proposal of the urban planning Scheme and the regulation of the same. Proposal that collects the natural conditions of its location, its status as an Amazonian populated center, the morphological changes of the rivers that circulate it, objective 11 of the sustainable Development Goals-UNDP, promotes the strengthening of its Population and its territorial articulation with the Bellavista - Mazan road.
The present thesis of research by contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the village of Francisco de Orellana-District of the Amazonas, province of Maynas, State of Loreto, having as general objective the elaboration of the ordering scheme Urban of the town of Francisco de Orellana, so that it constitutes in the instrument of management and promotion of its development framed of the objectives of sustainable development to the year 2028. The lack of land management and urban planning has generated in the populated center its informal and improvised growth, reflected in the shortage of equipment and infrastructure of basic services, lack of urban control, settlements in areas And the lack of economic opportunities for their population. The methodology applied was the proposal in the Handbook for the elaboration of plans for urban Development-Ministry of Housing, Construction and sanitation, approved with R.D. N 011-2015 housing. Much of the information was built with field data for lack or insufficient official information, field information that was obtained by the collaboration of the authorities and officials of the district municipality of the Amazons, residents, students and children of the Locality. We have divided the final report into two parts; The first contains the diagnosis and the second contains the proposal of the urban planning Scheme and the regulation of the same. Proposal that collects the natural conditions of its location, its status as an Amazonian populated center, the morphological changes of the rivers that circulate it, objective 11 of the sustainable Development Goals-UNDP, promotes the strengthening of its Population and its territorial articulation with the Bellavista - Mazan road.
Ordenamiento urbano, Desarrollo sostenible, Planificación urbana, Urban planning, Sustainable development, Planificación urbana
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