Nivel de conocimiento sobre psicoprofilaxis obstétrica en gestantes atendidas en la Ipress I-4 Bellavista Nanay, 2020.
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Un gran número de gestantes tienen insuficientes conocimientos sobre
Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica como el embarazo, el trabajo de parto y
puerperio además desconocimientos sobre los beneficios de dicho
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre Psicoprofilaxis
Obstétrica en gestantes atendidas en el IPRESS I-4 Bellavista Nanay,
Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, analítico y
prospectivo; con una muestra de 150 gestantes que cumplieron los
criterios de selección.
Resultados: Las principales características Sociodemográficas de las
participantes fueron; edades entre los 20 a 34 años, estudios
secundarios, con predominio de convivencia, procedencia urbano
marginal y amas de casa. Entre las características obstétricas, la
mayoría de las gestantes encuestadas tuvieron < 37 semanas de
gestación, con < 6 Atenciones Prenatales, además refirieron tener de 3
a más hijos y entre 1 a 3 sesiones de Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica.
Conclusión: Las gestantes tuvieron un nivel de conocimiento malo
sobre Psicoprofilaxis obstétrica; obteniendo respuestas incorrectas en
los objetivos, ventajas y en los beneficios tanto de la madre como del
A large number of pregnant women have insufficient knowledge about Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis such as pregnancy, labor and puerperium, as well as ignorance about the benefits of said program. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis in pregnant women treated at the IPRESS I-4 Bellavista Nanay, 2020. Methodology: Non-experimental, analytical and prospective quantitative study; with a sample of 150 pregnant women who met the selection criteria. Results: The main sociodemographic characteristics of the participants were; ages between 20 to 34 years, secondary education, with predominance of coexistence, marginal urban origin and housewives. Among the obstetric characteristics, most of the pregnant women surveyed had <37 weeks of gestation, with <6 Prenatal Cares, they also reported having 3 or more children and between 1 and 3 sessions of Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis. Conclusion: The pregnant women had a poor level of knowledge about obstetric psychoprophylaxis; obtaining incorrect answers in the objectives, advantages and in the benefits of both the mother and the baby.
A large number of pregnant women have insufficient knowledge about Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis such as pregnancy, labor and puerperium, as well as ignorance about the benefits of said program. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis in pregnant women treated at the IPRESS I-4 Bellavista Nanay, 2020. Methodology: Non-experimental, analytical and prospective quantitative study; with a sample of 150 pregnant women who met the selection criteria. Results: The main sociodemographic characteristics of the participants were; ages between 20 to 34 years, secondary education, with predominance of coexistence, marginal urban origin and housewives. Among the obstetric characteristics, most of the pregnant women surveyed had <37 weeks of gestation, with <6 Prenatal Cares, they also reported having 3 or more children and between 1 and 3 sessions of Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis. Conclusion: The pregnant women had a poor level of knowledge about obstetric psychoprophylaxis; obtaining incorrect answers in the objectives, advantages and in the benefits of both the mother and the baby.
Conocimiento, Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica, Knowledge, Obstetric Psychoprophylaxis
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