Conocimiento sobre tuberculosis relacionado a la actitud de enfermería en el primer nivel de atención, Loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación que existe entre los
conocimientos sobre tuberculosis y la actitud de enfermería en el primer
nivel de atención, Loreto 2023, para lo cual se utilizó el método
cuantitativo, transversal, prospectivo y correlacional en una muestra de
132 personal de enfermería de los establecimientos de salud 1-4 de San
Juan, Morona Cocha y Nanay en quienes se aplicó una encuesta
mediante un cuestionario y escala. El resultado fue que el 49, 2% del
personal de enfermería tiene nivel de conocimiento regular sobre
tuberculosis, el 84,1% actitud favorable en el cuidado a la persona con
tuberculosis. La conclusión fue que existe relación estadísticamente
significativa entre los conocimientos sobre tuberculosis y la actitud de
enfermería en el cuidado a personas con tuberculosis del primer nivel de
atención, Loreto, con p=0, 005 (p< 0,05) que representa el nivel de
significancia asumido. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis alterna.
The objective of the study was to determine the relationship that exists between the knowledge about tuberculosis and the nursing attitude at the first level of care, Loreto 2023, for which the quantitative, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational method was used in a sample of 132 nursing personnel from health establishments 1-4 of San Juan, Morona Cocha and Nanay in whom a survey was applied through a questionnaire and scale. The result was that 49.2% of the nursing staff have a regular level of knowledge about tuberculosis, and 84.1% have a favorable attitude in caring for people with tuberculosis. The conclusion was that there is a statistically significant relationship between knowledge about tuberculosis and the nursing attitude in caring for people with tuberculosis at the first level of care, Loreto, with p=0.005 (p<0.05) which represents the assumed level of significance. Therefore, the alternate hypothesis is accepted.
The objective of the study was to determine the relationship that exists between the knowledge about tuberculosis and the nursing attitude at the first level of care, Loreto 2023, for which the quantitative, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational method was used in a sample of 132 nursing personnel from health establishments 1-4 of San Juan, Morona Cocha and Nanay in whom a survey was applied through a questionnaire and scale. The result was that 49.2% of the nursing staff have a regular level of knowledge about tuberculosis, and 84.1% have a favorable attitude in caring for people with tuberculosis. The conclusion was that there is a statistically significant relationship between knowledge about tuberculosis and the nursing attitude in caring for people with tuberculosis at the first level of care, Loreto, with p=0.005 (p<0.05) which represents the assumed level of significance. Therefore, the alternate hypothesis is accepted.
Conocimiento, Actitud, Tuberculosis, Enfermería, Primer nivel de atención, Knowledge,, Attitude, Tuberculosis, Nursing, First level of care
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